XII : End of DOS

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We walk unseen and almost quiet. The dwarves would always make noises. We get to the armory and the dwarves make a stair like from their bodies. When Bofur is inside, i look around for any guard. I look down and realize that i haven't returned Fìli's coat. He stands behind me. I take off the coat but he stops me. He smiles and tells me to keep it. So sweet! I smile back and thank him. I look around again and he hugs me from behind! No one seems to notice this. Then Fìli walks blocking my view and looks straight to my eyes. I shut them close.

"Why are they like that?" He asks.

"It's uh......"

PRAAAANNNGG. It came from the armory. The dwarves walk to our way and when we turn around two spears are pointing at us. No where to run than the freezing water. We choose not to get wet now. It's useless anyway. They bring us to the master. After some talking and a promise, the master welcomes us. The people are cheering and Bard is angry. What he said is true that we probably will wake the dragon and it will destroy this city. We get inside and the master have a feast. He gives us some clothing.

The feast is so loud and some are already drunk. I walk outside the room. In the morning we are leaving the town. The people are cheering and music is playing. Fìli is already on the boat. I look at Kìli, his face is pale again. He walks a little weird too. Thorin tells him to stay and rest.

"Nili, let's go." Thorin calls me.

"I can heal him."

"I bet Fìli is next to say he is staying aswell." He says under his breath.

It's true. Oin is staying behind too. And Fìli aswell, he looks disappointed at Thorin. Kìli is in pain. He is almost green. Bofur is left behind also. We bring him to the master's house so we can heal him. But he won't take us in! We desperately go to houses. But no one want to take us in. Finally we go to Bard's. He refuses at first, but then he let us in again. Oin and Fìli put Kìli on a bed and Bard starts to look for medicine he have.
I can't believe he doesn't have athelas. Bofur goes out to get some at the pig's cage.

"Nili, i'm scared it's not just a fever." Fìli says to me.

"It's not, he needs elf healing actually." He is a little shocked when i say that.

It starts to shake a little. Smaug has awake then. Not long until it gets here. I hope the others are okay. Bard goes out with Bain. Tilda is playing with her doll on the other side of the house and Sigrid is boiling water. It's been a while and neither Bofur nor Bard have return. I begin to worry. Fìli is all focused on Kìli. Then Sigrid is screaming trying to shut the door. Orcs. I pull out my swords. It's hard to kill this many alone and protecting the two girls. Then Tauriel and Legolas arrive and shoot the orcs, killing them all. Tauriel stays while Legolas chases the other orcs. She heals Kìli. There orc's bodies is still inside the house. Me and Fìli drag the bodies out. I pull out my knives from some orcs too. When the last orc is out of the house i see Bain running back. His eyes are the widest i ever see from a boy.

Next chapter will be BotFA ^^ so excited! Especially to write about Dìs! I really enjoyed writing this one. I hope you all enjoy reading as i enjoyed writing ^^ and enjoy "I See Fire" by Ed Sheeran up there ↑↑
Stay nerdy

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