Perfection at First Sight

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Josh Ramsay fanfic. 

Chapter One 

I wiped the back of my hand over my forehead which was shiny with oil and sweat. I still had three hours left of my shitty job at this local diner. I hated it, but it was the only way that I was going to feed my 1 year old daughter, Kayla. My name is Sarahanne, I'm 17 years old, and I dropped out of high school to care for her. All throughout high school I dated jerks that only wanted me for my body, but at the time I didn't care. It felt good to have someone want me, in anyway shape or form. That's how Kayla happened. Her father isn't around at all. He wasn't even there for her birth. It's been me all alone for a while now. I have no time to date because my hours at the diner are endless. I sometimes have to sleep on the card table in the back on my breaks just so I can have enough energy to drink a cup of coffee, and that's exactly what I'm doing now. Curled up in a ball with a can of beans as my pillow I try to rest, but my thoughts provoke my eyes to stay open. I have so much on my mind. I honestly don't know how I'm supposed to pay any of my bills this month. I had to sell my beat up old sedan just to make rent last month in trade for a bus pass. I don't have much left to sell and I have run out of ideas to make money.

"Hey, your breaks over. I need tables 2 and 3 taken care of pronto," said one of the staff managers. I was a little embarrassed they'd seen me curled up on a card table trying to sleep, but at this point I didn't care. I slowly eased myself up and put on a fake smile, but hell, do I just want someone that cares.  

My shift finally ended. It's currently 11:23 P.M. and it's freezing outside! As I step into the mid winter chill Vancouver, Canada brings I pulled my jacket more over my uniform. As I walk, my eye catches something. It looks like a piece of turquoise that chipped off someone's necklace or bracelet. I bent down to pick it up. Suddenly, my mind takes a turn for the dark memories I keep jammed in my brain. When i was little, my grandma gave me a turquoise jewelry set. The smooth feeling of the stone relaxed me all the time. I always had my hand up on my chest caressing the stone between my fingertips when I got bored of learning what the hell Abraham Lincoln did with his presidency. I remember my struggles in high school all too well, and the turquoise stone might've saved me a few times. I remember walking into school one normal morning with my friend Erin. This was the day that Julie and her "possy" would make myself and Erin their number one target to bully. We were so young and innocent back then. We didn't understand why they would hold us down in the bathroom and cut our hair in different uneven places, or why they would call us unspeakable names, but what I remember the most is when Julie spread a nasty fast spreading rumor that Conor told her that I give amazing blow jobs and amazing sex all you have to do is ask. I was immediately taunted for something I didn't even do. Heck, I didn't even know a "Conor". I felt humiliated, scared, ashamed, and helpless. This is about the time that guys started really wanting to "hang out" with me because of the rumors. At first I would refuse to give any guy any kind of sexual interaction fearing anything to do with sex. Then I slowly let it become a lifestyle. Bad choice. One of the worst mistakes I ever made...

"Miss?! Are you okay?" 

When I woke up my eyelids felt like 500 pounds were weighing them down, but I forced them open. My head hurt and I muttered a "yeah" so the guy would leave me alone. I saw him nod slightly and then start back up on his early morning bike ride. I sat up, and looked around. Then I hit me. I was on my porch stairs. "Oh my god! Kayla!" I said as I ran up the stairs in a sore jumbled mess to take care of my child. Gosh darnit I must've not have been able to make it to my bed last night... 

Kayla was fine, just a little hungry and cranky. The babysitter was there still when I got back even though I told her she could leave at 12:00 P.M. last night. She said she couldn't get a ride until the morning anyways so it was no big deal and left with her $80. I felt like going to snatch the bills from her hand as she sauntered out the door, fearing the loss of any more money to make my situation worse. Needing a distraction, I put on some music that Erin let me borrow. She said that I "had to listen to this one group".  

...Please just follow me. I thought you wanted me, 'cuse I want you all to myself. I can try to... 

As the music played I started dancing. This song was catchy gosh darnit! I checked the band name: Marianas Trench. Hmmm interesting. They must be a Canadian band because Erin said they're mostly big in our area. Intrigued to find out more I googled: Marianas Trench band, and wow they were gorgeous! I ogled like an idiot over the guitarist by the name of Matt Webb. Damn he looked good in a leather jacket! I swiped trough the images. I came across the first picture on a random Tumblr:  

My mouth dropped open in beauty struck awe. Ohmygod... His piercing blue eyes and random blue and black hair made me feel alive and my heart stopped at the sight of him... "Wow" was all I could say. He WAS perfection.

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