The Tour Bus

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Chapter 5  

"Are you sure the guys are cool with me going on the tour bus... I mean I wouldn't want to intrude." I said hesitantly.

"It's fine Sarahanne. I have a question." He said matter-of-faculty and looked at me with questionable eyes making him look so cute I wanted to cuddle up to him all night.

"Uhh yeah sure what's up?" I said.

"Well, I noticed when I was on the phone Erin and you were talking about something," he paused to open the door to the dressing room letting me out first, "and I was just curious about what you were talking about, your face just looked so worried about something..." Josh trailed off. At first I didn't know what he was talking about and then I nodded knowingly.

"Oh yeah! I have a daughter Kayla... She's one and I just needed a babysitter. Also work but my shifts cleared I don't have anything to worry about except meeting the rest of the band members." I said.

Josh laughed at the end of my sentence but then turned a little more serious when he said, "You have a daughter? So that means you have a boyfriend of some sort..." He asked expectantly. "I'm um, a single mother." I said a little shamefully as we walked down the steps of the back door to the arena. The arena was cleared out now, and the bus was waiting for us with a dark brown exterior. It looked nice. "There's nothing to be ashamed of Sarahanne. It's his loss anyways. He obviously never saw your true self. I'm pretty sure anyone could fall in love by you just smiling." Josh said his eyes meeting mine making contact the whole entire time. Ohkayyyyy I was done. I literally felt like both my legs were going to buckle. I smiled in response. "See there's that smile." He said jokingly. I laughed as he led me to the tour bus. We talked a little more about random stuff like our ages and funny stories before Josh opened the door and let me walk in first as he then followed behind me. Mike Ayley, Matt Webb, and Ian Cassleman were all chilling on the brown leather couches on their Blackberrys when I walked in. Matt was the first to look up and see me.

"Oh... Well well well now who is thissssssss?" Matt said in a wired voice.

I chuckled and said, "Hey guys my name is Sarahanne." Surprisingly, I said it with confidence! I was so scared on the inside though. I was in their freaking  tour bus!

"Hey!" They all said in unison.

Josh stepped in front of me and explained, "Yeah I mean I thought she looked pretty cool so I told her she could hang. She's staying the night fellas." Josh said in his beautiful voice. Even when he wasn't singing, just talking, it sounded like a billion angles all harmonizing in unison, but I'm crazy in lust with him right now so I sound stupid.

"Okay well we were just about to head to Five Guys and get some take out. You tryna grub?" Matt asked trying to sound cool and badass.

I laughed once again at his wired side and said, "Sure, Josh are you coming?" I looked over at him to find him smiling.

"Yeah of course!"

 <Josh's POV>

Mike announced that someone was going to have to take the bouncers' Range Rover because he was going to stay behind for a little and guard our dressing room while the janitors clean it. Apparently, fans try to sneak in after the show and steal our stuff. Man, we have committed fans! I instantly told him Sarahanne and I will take it.

"Alright we will meet you there. I told the bouncer where to meet us when everything's all cleaned up at the venue so he will meet us there a little later." Ian said his attention now focused on his Blackberry again as the bus started up.

"Alright cool, see you guys there!" I hollered back. I took Sarahanne's hand and lead her to the car. I looked over at her and saw a light shade of pink was covering her beautiful little face. She was staring at our hands intertwined. I pulled my hand away slowly thinking she was uncomfortable, but when I tried to pull away she just held on to my hand even more. I smiled down at her a deep lustful smile and she returned it. We made our way to the Range Rover, and I helped Sarahanne up onto the passenger seat. The door was open and she was sitting on the edge of the seat her feet still placed on the step that helps you into the Rover. Suddenly, she locked her eyes with mine. I was unable to break away. Those perfect brown eyes trapped me and I couldn't escape. I still stared as Sarahanne made a sudden movement to my hair. I moved closer fearing she would fall off the seat. I stepped up on the step that helps you into the Rover, my feet around hers protecting them. I lowered a little to be level with her gaze. I knew she was growing hungrier when her breath hitched. Seconds later my breath started speeding up as well. I felt her warm breath on me and suddenly... I forgot that we were in the back of a venue parking lot as I slid my tongue into her mouth, and felt my lips connect with hers with such passion I couldn't imagine being anywhere else other than right there with her.❤

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