Priceless Concert

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Chapter 3 

It was Friday night and I was shifting through my closet after a long days work and was trying to find an outfit for tomorrow night. I settled on the far left one:  

It was simple, all knock-offs, but I didn't care. I wanted to impress Josh, but I shrugged that idea out of my mind knowing he probably wouldn't even notice me in the midst if every other screaming fan girl. Anyways, I was happy I just got to pay my electric bill having used my electric bill money on diapers and formula. Thank god for extra shifts because I actually wasn't supposed to work today.

"You thought by now 

You'd have it figured out 

You can't erase the way it pulls 

When seasons change 

It hurts sometimes 

To find where you begin 

But you are perfect porcelain"

Josh fucking Ramsay. His words to Perfect Porcelain danced in my head. I was having the time of my life. I started crying when he sang "Of tears you cannot keep from me" and swear to god that he was looking right at me when he said "You are perfect porcelain." I almost fainted as his perfect glittery hair shimmered like a thousand diamonds. His gorgeous smile as he heard the fans sing was breathtaking. And oh... His cheeks and skin were flawless, that of a god if you ask me!

"Ohmygod I know who you're favorite is..." Said Erin amusingly. "You look like you just went to heaven then came back to earth!" She screamed in my ear as Haven't Had Enough made all the girls scream ridiculously loud.

"Shut up!" Was all I could say to Erin in response with blushing pinkish red cheeks.

 The concert was over, and we were walking out. My mind felt in paradise. I wasn't thinking about money... Or Kayla's needs... Or bills... Or my shitty minimum wage job. For once I felt at some sort of peace and man, it felt good! Erin and I were singing Desperate Measures as we made our way out of the huge venue.

"...swallow on you're knees, and sa-..." Suddenly we were cut off by some kind of big guy. He looked like a bodyguard.

"Excuse me miss..." The guy called out. Erin and I spun around with puzzled faces.

"Yeah Josh Ramsay is asking for you." He said out of breath from running to find me.

"WHAT?!" I practically screamed as Erin and I looked at each other in awe.

"No I think you have the wrong person sir." I stated pointedly.

"No mam, I think you're it. He said piercing hazel brown eyes, dark brown wavy hair, and a shirt that says 'take it easy'. If you're not it I'm not too sure who is because you match his description perfectly." The guy smiled slightly. I stared at him a moment trying to process what was happening.

"Um okay, then well Erin has to come with me were a package deal." I said in a fascinated tone.

"Okay that's fine lets go." The bodyguard said. Erin and I were freaking out all the way to wherever the fuck he was taking us. We looked like crazy fan girls but I needed to get it out of my system before I was in front of Josh. I needed to be as cool as possible, but at this point I'm pretty sure when I see him in just going to stare at his beauty in complete wonder or literally faint.

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