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To quickly remind you of the characters you have been introduced to:
Shine Vinson - The protagonist.
Cecily Franks - Shine's childhood best friend.
Aunt Alicia- Her Aunt who expects too much from her and is too perfect.
•Reyan Dale - Her enemy.

♦This chapter is unedited, so if there are any mistakes I'm sorry. Feel free to correct me in the comments below.♦

I grabbed my bike and headed towards Annie's boutique to get some flowers for Ceci. I was dressed in simple clothes, jeans, my white ZEDD T-shirt and a grey hoodie since it was getting chilly outside. I had a package of freshly baked warm cookies and chocolates in my basket.

I rode up to her house which was a few blocks away from mine. I parked my bike next to hers and walked up to the door. I knocked and Hannah came to get it.

She welcomed me with a warm hug and told me Cecily had headache. She handed me a bowl of soup that she was going to take upstairs and rushed to get the phone which was ringing.

I knocked on her door and heard a muffled "come in." I slowly walked in biting my lips worried about how she'd react. Her eyes were closed and her back towards me so she didn't see me enter. Moving towards her bed side table I placed the soup and package of cookies there.

"Ceci?" I said nervously. Her eyes snapped open as she glared at me. "I thought you didn't trust me and I'm a jerky moron, then why exactly are you in my room?" She said.

I took a deep breath and said "Look I'm sorry! I know I made a mistake! I should've waited to listen to you and not just shouted at you like that but what could I do? My best friend was standing in front of my locker with my Essay that I worked so hard on with my biggest enemy whose only aim is to destroy life for me! I couldn't think at that point of time and I deeply regret it. I'm really really sorry. I am stupid to not trust you. I thought a lot after that and it just didn't make sense because you hate her as much as me. I bet you had a reason and I just misunderstood the scene. I regret every word. Please forgive me. " We both had tears in our eyes. She got up and gave me a hug.

I was so glad things were fine between us again. There was a little distance between us but that would be gone by tomorrow.

We were sitting on the sofa and watching re-runs of our favourite show FRIENDS with a tub of Chocolate mint ice cream and my cookies.
"What exactly happened?" I asked her.

"I was going to pick my History notes that I left in my locker and that's when I saw Reyan near your locker. She some how managed to get her hands on your pin which she used to open the locker. When I saw her there I ran to check what she was doing. I grabbed the folder from her hand and was flipping through the pages to check what it was and realized she was trying to sabotage your essay you worked so hard on. Before I could shout at her you showed up and got the whole thing wrong. You know the rest."

I felt really stupid for not trusting her. She had just saved my essay, and instead of thanking her I had shouted at her.

Something confused me. " Ceci, you were clearly still mad at me but then why did you call back?"
"Me? Call back? No! You called?"
" Well yeah and Mrs. Hannah said you were sleeping."
" Maybe mom called accidentally."


Me and Cecily spent the whole day together and decided to go out for dinner to our favourite restaurant Sizzle.

We had a great time in Sizzle where we meet a few more friends and celebrated the end of our fight.

Later me and Cecily rode our bikes to the park that was in our layout and sat on the grass gossiping. I sighed and thanked god for fixing the most important thing in my life. I couldn't live without Cecily and her ever present cheerful mood.

I told Cecily about Allie's offer and that I declined it and she nearly pushed me into the lake in the park. She's all for fashion and accessories exactly opposite to me. She was mad at me for 5 minutes but then got over it and continued talking.

When it started getting dark we grabbed our bikes and headed home after making plans to meet at my place for finishing our essay on Hope.


This was my second chapter. Hope you liked it!
Please please please vote because it means a lot to me and will help me get motivated to write further.

Let me know how you liked this chapter in the comments.

Love - Fangirlinfinity1

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