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♦This chapter is unedited, so if there are any mistakes, I'm sorry. Feel free to correct me in the comments below.♦


I pulled myself up to a sitting position and gathered my books. Standing up I dusted myself. I turned to find out who did that but couldn't make out anything. Everyone seemed to be busy laughing at me.

Deciding to not give them the pleasure of getting to me, I walked away like nothing happened and that everyone in the corridor was definitely not laughing at me.

If you haven't already guessed it things have been getting worse at school. The ' bumping ' and snickering have turned into shoving, tripping and hurling insults across the corridor.

Like right now. I was shoved to the ground. I was starting to hate this place beyond my imagination. I still had no friends and hence, no one to reach out to.

My parents were not there for me anymore like they used to be. They were always busy with their meetings, parties, gatherings and work. I never felt so alone.

I did talk to Ceci often but it wasn't the same as her being here. Also, I didn't tell her about how terribly I was being treated here.

I quietly entered English class and took a seat at the back. My usual spot. Hidden in the shadows. Usually I was left alone, but today a few girls came and sat next to me.

One of them was named Jenna but I didn't know the other two. I thought maybe they finally decided to be friends with me. I smiled slightly and said "Hey! How's your day been?"

Jenna turned to me and said "Look I would be dead if someone found out I told you this but they plan on dumping food on you in lunch today, so I think you should go stay behind the sports room. They won't find you there. Me and my girls will get you Lunch there don't worry. " then she gave me a short smile and walked away pretending nothing happened.

I smiled slightly. Maybe not everyone was as bad here. I subtly gave her a thumbs up when she turned back to check on me.



I fumed in anger as I walked through the empty corridors to my locker. Quickly grabbing my bag I walked to the office to get a note to go back home early.

"Hey dear, what happened to you?" The receptionist asked in concern. I replied saying "Oh nothing. I just slipped and fell and I'm really hurt can I please leave early today? "

Nodding she passed me a gate slip that would let me get past the security guards at the gate.

Once out of school I walked the little distance to the bus stop. Checking the schedule I realized I just missed a bus and wouldn't get another one for half an hour.

My stomach grumbled in hunger and so I pulled out the chocolate I always kept in my bag for emergency. Nibbling on it I replayed everything that happened in the past 45 minutes.

I walked cautiously towards the back of the sports room, making sure no one saw me. I had a small sketch pad with me and so I started doodling on it till Jenna and her friends came with lunch.

I waited a few minutes before I heard footsteps. "I see. You fell for our trap." A guy I don't know said. "Oh she is so naïve." A girl said laughing. Turning I saw it was none other than Senna.

A sinking feeling started in the pit of my stomach. I knew something was about to go wrong. Really really wrong.

I though of shouting for help and then laughed out loud - receiving a few puzzled looks. This was a perfectly thought out plan. We were in an isolated part of the academy. No one would be here to listen to my pleas for help.

Straightening up I decided to try and fight back. Two more people had joined them. A girl and a guy. I wondered what they had in mind for me.

Stepping forward the guy gave me a punch straight in the gut. I bent down in pain. Then came a kick on my shin knocking me off my feet.  I cowered in pain as the other girl came and pulled me up with my hair. Senna walked forward and slapped me right across my face. It hurt a lot.

If I was going down I was going down with a fight. I stumbled and slowly pulled myself back to my feet. I swung a punch square on Senna's face and while she reacted I kicked the heel of the other girl, dropping her to her knees. 

I had completely forgotten about the two guys though. So once I kicked her, one of the guys knocked me off again. The other guy pulled me up and held my hands being my back. Right now more than ever I wished I had been working harder in the defense fighting skills elective I had taken.

I was stronger than before, but not strong enough to fight four of them. I wiggled in his arms to loosen his grip but it was like metal. Senna kneed my stomach in the same spot the guy punched me before.

I pressed my lips together. I would never let them see me weak. Kick after kick both the girls hurt me so much that if they didn't stop I'd pass out with the pain. Finally, it felt like ages after they decided to stop.

I slumped down unable to move. I watched them walk away and thanked god that I made it through still alive. I really had to work harder in my defense classes.

I was in too much pain to move and no one was coming for my aid. I knew it. So I kept still hoping eventually the pain would go away and I could walk back to my classes. I had no clue how much time had passed since my favorite watch broke in the fight.

Slowly I managed to reach the main building. There was a huge clock at the top of the main building which said I had only the last hour left- Mr. Mason's class.


I dumped my bag next to my bed and lied down. I hurt all over and couldn't be more happy than I did now after making it in one piece to my room. I asked Martha to get me some pain killers making an excuse of a terrible headache. I didn't want anyone to know what happened today.

I had stopped at a restaurant before to use the washroom to clean up and make me look presentable before I got back home to not raise any suspicion. To say they gave me weird looks would be an understatement. 

After taking the medicine I texted Ceci for a while and discovered that Reyan was moving out too. Her dad opened a new branch and had to move there to bring it up like his other ones. Me and Ceci both enjoyed her freedom from that snob.I left out what happened today, not wanting to ruin her mood.

Eventually I got out of bed as the painkillers started kicking in. I pulled out my assignment sheets to get them done so that I could go to bed early.

Hope you guys liked the chapter!

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Love- fangirlinfinity1

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