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Hey guys! This chapter is unedited so if you find any mistakes please correct them in the comments.

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Guys you should totally check out 'Spark' by Vidushi_Swift

It's a good book! Please give it a read.The author just started the book and can use all support she can get. Thanks a lot!

Without further delay, read on!

"Are you sure mom?" I asked her for the sixth time. I was in my room on my bed, and mom had just gotten me a warm cup of hot chocolate.

"Yes sweetie. I'm positive. Why is it such a big deal anyway? You wanted to know the name, I told you." Mom said.

It was a big deal. I had asked her who helped me to the nurse not for a possible candidate who would join hands with Amanda to conspire against me.

Then my thoughts went back to that day. Their strange behaviour. Could it be possible? Would he help me even if it meant going against the whole academy?

But then again, if anyone could; it would be one of them. Someone who everyone worshipped. Someone who no one would question, though I highly doubt anyone would know. He wouldn't let them.

My fingers lightly grazed the bandage above my eyebrow. It was concealing the three ugly stitches I got.


She was such a terrible person. I wonder if she threw a success party in some sassy club, enjoying my pain.

I really wanted to get back at her. Do something absolutely terrible back to her, but that would only prove I'm as immature and kiddish as her and I wasn't. I'd be the mature one here.

But not even terrible ways to publicly humiliate Amanda could keep my mind busy enough for too long. Eventually it went back to the one sentence mom said.

"The nurse said he gave his name as Ian Cooper. Do you know him? Is he a friend?"

I had just managed to say one word.


I shrugged and got out of bed. I didn't want to think about anything for a while. Mom had long since left when she realized I wasn't listening to a word she said.

Walking to the window I threw it open after grabbing Blood Of Olympus by Rick Riordan from my not-so-well-stocked-bookshelf. I had to throw out many of my books while coming here so I just gave then to Ceci. I'd have to find a book store near by to get me some more books.


As soon as I walked into Adelyne Academy a week later,  I was hit smack in the face with flyers for the fall dance. And I mean that in the quite literal sense. One of them scraped my forehead where my stitches has started dissolving or falling off. I winced and ran a finger over the wound. Shrugging I continued observing my surroundings.

Someone was throwing flyers around. As if the huge ones on the walls could be missed. These people really needed a lesson on cleanliness. They were littering school property but apparently no body cared. 

All the walls were covered in bright and colorful posters stating that the fall dance was about three and a half weeks from now. The student body was buzzing with excitement. Everywhere groups of Barbie like girls in designer dresses were gushing about who they would go with.

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