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To quickly remind you of the characters you have been introduced to:
Shine Vinson - The protagonist.
Cecily Franks - Shine's childhood best friend.
Aunt Alicia- Her Aunt who expects too much from her and is too perfect.
•Reyan Dale - Her enemy.
Rachel & Jenessa - her friends.

♦This chapter is unedited, so if there are any mistakes I'm sorry. Feel free to correct me in the comments below.


I woke up to my alarm ringing. The big day! It was finally here. I was extremely nervous and my heartbeat was on a constant spike. I quickly took a shower and got dressed. Everything would be shipped today morning and our flight was for 9:43 pm.

It was really scary. The house looked super empty and our voices echoed. I was headed downstairs. "Damn." I grunted. I had bumped my little toe on the wall. Ugh. Only I can manage to hurt myself in an empty house.

The worst part of all this was, Angel. I wasn't allowed to take her with me and it broke my heart into a million tiny pieces to part with her. Ceci had agreed to take her in and I knew she'd take great care of Angel but it still hurt to think that I won't wake up at midnight because she snuck into my blanket or have her trail me around all over my room.

Today wasn't a nice day. I didn't like anything about today except the fact that a bunch of friends from high school came home to give me a farewell party and gave me lots and lots of chocolates muffins cakes and a huge collage of all our pictures together and messages from them and our teachers.

I'm going through the poster right now, And I don't think I've ever hated my trig teacher more than this moment. He literally wrote
'I hope you learn how to pass your trigonometry tests there. Have a fun filled and exciting life ahead. Blessed be. '
Like are you for real?! I can't even show this collage to the new friends I'll make over there because of that one stupid teacher!

The bell rang and I went to get the door annoyed by how many times I already had to open the door today because of the endless number of people dropping in to say good bye or give us farewell gifts ranging from chocolates to vases half my height. Like seriously can you NOT see our house is boxed up? How do you expect us to take it there? On our head? Or as a fellow passenger in the airplane? Do we buy it a special ticket? Ugh. People.

Finally getting to the door I pulled it open to see Reyan standing there with her two side kicks Annetta and Zera. I gave them a disguised look and was about to shut the door when Zera put her foot between the door and I noticed she was wearing Forever 21 heels. I raised an eyebrow at her and applied a little more pressure on the door. She yelped and pulled her foot back. Reyan pushed the door inwards by then and stepped it.

"Well well, looks who got sacred of us and decided to move" Reyan fake laughed and her sidekicks joined in. I glared at her and said slowly and clearly so her peanut sized brain could understand " no one in this world could possibly get scared of a pink fluffy fur ball with too much glitter on it. And honestly, your attempts at ruining lives and being rude to me just because I 'accidentally' spilled lemonade on your imported skirt? I bet even a third grader can think smarter than you and is more mature. Well that being said, you've outworn your welcome please turn around and leave." I pulled her hand, dragged her out and shut the door after Annette and Zera went out to check if she broke her heel.

God! these kids are so absurd I don't even understand how they survive life.

Ceci, Jenessa, Rachel and me sat on a bed sheet I had put down in my room due to its possessions either being sold or shipped away. They handed me a small box neatly wrapped up. I carefully unwrapped it to reveal a blue box. On opening it among many tissues sat a beautiful black charm bracelet. Tears slipped out of my eyes.

Honestly I wasn't really the crying types but after finding out about the move I've cried a lot. I can't get over the fact that I'll have to leave everything and start fresh and that too my first year in highschool!

"Shine! Come down honey! We need to leave for the flight or we'll be late!" Mom shouted. Quickly folding the sheet and stuffing it along with the box I slipped the bracelet on. We all went down after visiting all the rooms for the last time.

Allie had come to drop us off to the airport and she gave me a super long hug and assured me everything would be okay and that I could call her whenever I wanted to.

We had a long soppy good bye all of us hugging each other not willing to let go. We promised to keep in touch and IM each other every weekend possible. Dad literally had to drag me away from my friends and put me in the car so that we don't get any more late.

We reached the airport and went through the tedious check in process and then had to wait for nearly an hour before the boarding started. I constantly kept texting Ceci and she tried her best to assure me things would turn out okay.

I looked out of the window of the plane as our town became smaller and smaller and fade away into nothingness. New life, here I come!

So this was the sixth chapter!

Are you excited to find out how her new life will be? I can't wait to start writing the next chapter.

If you liked this chapter PLEASEEEEEEE vote. Please? .-. It helps motivate me to write more .-.

Love - Fangirlinfinity1

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