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This chapter is unedited, so if there are any mistakes, I'm sorry. Feel free to correct me in the comments below.


I woke up at 6A.M. to my alarm ringing. I nervously stepped out of bed and went to the window throwing it wide open. Fall was coming so it was very chilly. I pulled on my hoodie and tugged it closer. I sighed and prayed that I have a good start.

I stepped out of my washroom in my new uniform. It was a white shirt with black tailored pants, a red tie and a black blazer that had the Adelyn academy logo on it.

I let my hair loose and looked at myself in the mirror. Suddenly I looked like someone else. I looked like a model on one of those airbrushed magazines and it made me really uncomfortable.

Once I had my books-which arrived yesterday- and all other essentials checked and packed in my bag, I went down for breakfast. I had 15 mins before my bus came. I quickly finished my bowl of fruits with fresh cream and had a glass of milk.

After I was in my shoes and ready I went out of my gate and waited because that's where the bus would pick me up from. The nervousness was eating me up and I kept tapping my foot Impatiently. I also sub consciously kept looking at 'the guy's ' house to see if he came out.

Soon a black car pulled out of their drive way but before I could get a look of who was inside it a yellow bus pulled up in front of me. I nervously stepped in when the door opened. I said good morning to the driver and heard a few snickers from behind. Ignoring them I looked for a place to sit.

Finding an empty two seater somewhere in the middle I plopped my bag down and sat. I could hear whispers from the other seats and I'm sure they were talking about me. Ignoring I pulled my earphones out and plugged out all the talking.

I found my mind wandering to why he didn't get on to the bus. Maybe he was getting a ride with his dad today. After all we were allowed to come in privates as well. I hadn't really had a chance to go out yet so I observed in all the beautiful houses and the pretty flowers that were soon going to die. Some trees were already turning a pretty shade of orange and I was captivated at how beautiful the scene was.

Soon the bus stopped in the parking lot and we all got down. I helplessly looked around confused which way to go now that I was actually here. Maps were so much easier. I remembered that there was a small isolated area a little away from where I stood on my left so I decided to go there.

Once there, I pulled out my schedule and map. Quickly converting the directions into a song I shoved them back and move to my homeroom where I dropped my bag on a vacant bench at the back and walked out for Assembly.

We all sat in a semicircle around the dais and waited for the principal. I choose to sit at the back to avoid people and since it was raised I would also have a better view. I'm not going to mention I also chose it because it will be easier and faster to get out from here in case those girls show up anywhere near me.

As soon as the principal arrived we all wished her good morning and stood up for the prayer. After that a few announcements followed. Soon everyone was getting up and heading to their home rooms. I moved as quietly as possible and headed to my home room hoping to avoid unnecessary attention since that's the last thing I needed. I hardly fit in here. The only thing alike between us was our uniform.

Once in my class I sat on one of the back benches. There weren't many students yet but already a few were whispering about my presence, wondering who I am. I decided to keep my gaze down and started doodling in my rough note book. Soon a young lady, who wore a black tailored suit with a pink shirt and a blazer with the academy's logo stitched on it entered the room. Silence fell immediately. She wished the class good morning and pulled out a tab from one of the drawers. She started taking a roll call and I prayed my name wouldn't come, but it did.

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