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To quickly remind you of the characters you have been introduced to:
Shine Vinson - The protagonist.
Cecily Franks - Shine's childhood best friend.
Aunt Alicia- Her Aunt who expects too much from her and is too perfect.
•Reyan Dale - Her enemy.

♦This chapter is unedited, so if there are any mistakes I'm sorry. Feel free to correct me in the comments below.


I was sitting on my window with Angel on my lap when I saw dad's car turn into the drive way. This is wrong. Dad's never home until 7 o'clock and its just 5:15pm! Maybe he'll take us for a movie! Grinning I ran out of my room and down the stairs to meet him.

I opened the door before he rang the bell and jumped on him to give him a hug. "How's my little cupcake doing?" He said. "Ughhh. Not cupcake dad! I told you its too unlike me!" I whined. He laughed and handed me his office bag to go keep in his study.

Dad was in a great mood today. He was humming and called all of us to the living room to give us a good news.

"Guess what! I got a new job offer! We will be moving out of town! And I'm getting a higher pay check and we also get a huge house near the beach and everything is so perfect!"

My mind shouted in panic. NO. NO. NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! We're moving? This is good news? I have lived here all my life! What about Ceci?! What about high school?! What about all of my friends?!

Me and Ceci had so many plans of going to prom together and go on double dates and find hot guys together! Why is life doing this to me?!

I can't leave!

My mom cheered and clapped while my dad laughed happily. I quietly got up and ran to my room locking myself in. I still couldn't believe it. We're moving! For real. I never thought I'd have to leave my house, my town, my friends everything!

I grabbed my phone and dialled Ceci's number and told her to meet me in the park with Rachel and Jenessa my other friends.

At this point reality had began sinking in and I couldn't stop a few tears from slipping out. I ran out of the house not bothering to grab my cycle. I was really angry and knowing myself all that energy could come out very destructively so I decided to run and drain it out.

I was on the swing listening to music with my headphones on so I didn't hear her come. Jenessa sneaked in on my from the back and was about to scare me and then froze when she saw the tears in my eyes.

We all sat on the grass as I broke the news.
Not one of them was willing to believe it. They thought I was pranking them but then Ceci spoke. " You can hear the pain in her voice. She's not lying"
There was a sudden silence and Rachel called for a group hug. They asked me when I had to leave but I like an idiot forgot to ask dad that.

We all went to have ice cream and decided to enjoy our time together to the maximum.


Once I got home dad told me I had to start packing since we'd leave in two weeks and mom would be gone to Paris in between. I knew how much this opportunity meant for my dad so I decided to pretend I'm happy.

"Oh cupcake! I forgot to mention. Allie will be coming over today and she'll be helping us pack and move."
"Well that's great!" Right. When I thought things DEFINITELY couldn't get worse. My life should be made into a depressing novel. It'll do a great job.

The next day I was sitting in my room thinking about how much I'd miss everything here and crying instead of packing when I heard a soft knock on my door.
"Come in" I mumbled.
Allie poked her head in. She had a delicate look on her face. I absolutely hated moments like this when she looked so beautiful even at this age when I never could. She came over to me and gave me a hug. "I don't want to leave." I said wiping my tears. I didn't know why I was telling this to Allie of all people on Earth.

She patted my back and said " I know baby, I know. I hate moving too. And the first time I had to, I cried for 3 days straight. " I looked at her face in silence hoping for some sort of comfort for the first time in forever.

She continued. " Once you go out visit more places you'll see it wasn't a bad idea. You'll have a new life, a new start, all new friends, new experiences and you'll soon have so much fun you'll forget you loved this place and won't understand why you didn't want to leave in the first place."

"But what if the people there don't like me? I'm weird and people here accept me that way! What if they don't? " I whispered. "Aww Shine dear, there's always going to be someone who doesn't like you! In my profession I get a lot of hate and soon you come to realize they hate us 'cause they ain't us! You should be happy you have something they don't!"
"And what if I don't like the place?" I said feeling a tiny bit better.
" You won't I can guarantee you. At first everything will be so different you'll hate the place and die to come back. But give it some time and I'm sure you'll grow fond of that place and your new life. Life can't be stationary baby. You need to keep moving, exploring, having fun!"

I gave her a big genuine smile and hugged her tight. I was actually feeling better now and I couldn't believe Allie could be so nice. She laughed ruffling my hair and said " Now now! I don't want wrinkles on my suit do I?"

Allie helped me sort my old books and notebooks and take down the ones I didn't need then we went to the kitchen to make dinner for everyone together.

As I lay in bed that night I couldn't believe Aunt Alicia of all people made my day better. Now I wasn't all that scared of what lay ahead of me. Soon the exhaustion kicked in and I fell asleep thinking of how much life was going to change.


This was the fourth chapter. I tried making it long for you lovely readers :D

If you liked the chapter please please vote because your votes are what keep me going :D

Also, any guesses about how her life is going to change? Let me know in the comments!

That's all for today :D
Love - Fangirlinfinity1

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