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"Why don't you just kill yourself?"
"Even your own mother doesn't want to be around you!"
"Look at that face!" They mocked.

They all looked at her in mockery, only the smug and victorious smiles glued to their faces as they knew they had won. Her dull blue eyes slowly traveled from corner to corner, catching everyone's eyes glued to her. Her greasy blonde hair stuck to her tear stained cheeks. She could feel the heat creeping it's way from the back of her neck to her face; making her glassy blue eyes pop.
Her body shook with fear raking her body.
She had looked down trying to find the courage to come up with something witty or, at least, escape. Her back was pressed against the chipped blue lockers as she held her books close to her chest. You could see her knuckles going white.
Just as she thought it could get worse, she saw a light... Coming from the left. Making her blue eyes sparkle. She slowly moved her head in the direction of the light, thinking that this was the end.
She started to make out a figure standing in front of the bright light, her lips parted as she stared. The laughter soon was replaced by an ear piercing ringing. Everything was in slow motion as the figure started walking towards her. She had desperately tried to figure out who it was, as it gotten closer she could pinch out the features:
Curly hair, strong built, and tallness.
She squinted her eyes trying to see more, but she failed.
Then the walls started moving in high speed taking her with the wind. As she desperately tried to resist the current, she looked up and saw those emerald eyes.

A/N So this isn't my first story. This is my story My baby sitter is a vampire/ mate. My old wattpad that had the original that I had wrote back in 2012, stopped working on my phone. So I deleted it and re download it again. So when I went on there, I use my fb and it said that it was an invalid username and password. So I used my email and it said that there's already a user using that. So wattpad had stopped working and won't let me sign in.

My Babysitter Is A Vampire H.S Z.M N.H mateWhere stories live. Discover now