Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

The two weeks until the dance passed by quickly, and before I knew it we all had masks, shoes, and accessories…and they all fit to our corresponding themes.

Now it was Friday, and all we had to do was wait until tomorrow. Today was the Homecoming game, which of course, Ivy and I had to perform at.

Ivy and I have been working hard to catch up with the rest of the Color Guard, and things are going pretty well. We have the flag work, foot work, and formations of our Parade March memorized. We just need to clean it up a bit.

We’ve got Field Show down perfectly, which is what we’ll perform tonight, with the rest of the band and guard. I’m strangely excited; Ivy talked Drake into doing Welcome to the Black Parade as our song this year, and because of his position as Drum Major, the marching band coordinator loved the idea. Larissa is even having us use black flags.

“How does she want us to do our hair, again?” Ivy and I were standing in front of my mirror, getting ready to do some serious Black Parading.

Danny was lounging on my bed, looking through a recent issue of Seventeen. He was scouting out hot guys, or so he said. We all knew he was reading the kissing tips.

“In a ponytail. No bangs,” I reminded her. “She’s very strict about hair in our faces.”

“Right. And we can wear makeup?” She clarified.

“Yep. Only Auxiliary can,” I smiled.

“Sweet!” She scooped her hair back.

“Okay, we’ve got to go. We’ll be late,” I threw on the warm ups we are supposed to wear to our events.

Our uniforms were in my bag, which I grabbed along with our flags.

“Let’s go,” Ivy hit Danny’s arm. “We need our cheerleader.”

We walked out of my room and to my car, Danny in tow.

Before I knew it, we were in our Auxiliary uniforms, and in position at the front of the field. They were black tunics that stopped about mid-thigh, paired with black flare pants. (Keep in mind that we are not cheerleaders. We do try to cover up.) They were sleeveless, and lined in red sequins. The front of the dress had wide, diagonal stripes covered in red sequins as well. We faced the audience with, what we like to call, our ‘Disney Princess’ smiles plastered on our faces.

The football field lights shone down on our faces as the band started playing, and we started dancing. Honestly, it was just a clever way to get where we had our flags placed on the other side of the field. We swung the flags behind our heads and moved in formation with the band, using double time to fill in the not so complicated parts of the routine, when we weren’t tossing, flipping, or twirling. We ended with a single toss, and all managed to catch the flag.

I breathed a sigh of relief. We did it! We exited the field, and moved back to the bleachers where we watched to remainder of the game.

Much to my dismay, our school’s football team won. Yeah, I almost wish we didn’t. That just means a huge victory party that Ivy will want to go to.

“Victory party at Derrek’s house!” A masculine voice shouted right behind me, causing me to cringe at his loudness.

I shot Ivy a look, which she seemed to understand. Or I thought she understood.

“Woooo! We’ll be there!” She shouted back, and I shrunk into my seat.

“I hope that’s not the Derrek Ryans you were talking about,” I hissed in her ear as realization crossed her face.

“Well, hopefully he wont notice you. Maybe he doesn’t know what you look like?” Ivy suggested, though it sounded more like a question.

“Yeah, sure. He just agreed to go to the Homecoming dance with some random chick,” I supplied. “Especially when he’s popular enough to have victory parties held at his house.”

Danny bounced up, and judging by the look on my face, knew exactly what Ivy had gotten us into.

“Oh, Ivy. When will you stop screwing things up?” He joked.

“Never,” I answered for her, with a hint of a smile.

Though my situation was kind of bad, thing could always be worse. Right? Well, I sure hope so.



I have officially decided to enter the Watty Awards for this year. Wooo!

On Chapter eight. Weird, eight is my lucky number. Hopefully that's a good sign.

So now, voting, fanning, and commenting really does matter. So please, help me out? :) I really appreciate the support so far, guys. Keep it coming!

And I don't know which category to do! Humor, Fantasy, or Romance! Right now I'll stick with humor, it's a smaller group. And I'd say this story is more funny than romantic.


School starts tomorrow for me! (Yuck!)

Which means I wont be home until 6 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays because of Guard. I'll spend the majority of those nights doing homework, eating, and sleeping. I'll usually upload on weekends (unless I have an Auxiliary event) and maybe on Thursdays. I've also got Famous Last Words to write for, too. Which I don't update nearly as much as I do this.

So remember: I'm not going anywhere! I love writing! (Unless I like, die randomly. But let's hope that doens't happen.)

VOTE! :)

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