Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14

I stood on Ivy’s porch, mind swirling with thoughts. My mom has magic powers? Magic powers that I’m inheriting? Not to mention the fact that I couldn’t control them.

Ivy pulled open the door, Danny peering over her shoulder. The second they saw the look on my face they enveloped me in a huge hug.

“What do you want to do?” Ivy asked tentatively.

“I want you guys to treat me like nothing happened, for now. Just a normal sleepover,” I replied.

Danny grinned and lifted me effortlessly into his arms. I squealed and hung onto his neck, determined to remain upright. You don’t want to know what happens when he succeeds in getting me upside down.

“Movie!” I shrieked, laughing as I tried wiggling my way out of Danny’s tight grasp.

“My choice!” Danny yelled, releasing his grip for a split second.

I took that as my chance and leaped out of his arms, landing on the floor in a defeated heap. I grunted, scowling up at Danny.

“I’m sorry!” His falsetto voice piped, and he held out a hand to assist me with.

“I swear- if we have to watch the Lion King one more time I’m going to leave my own house,” Ivy whined.

Danny pouted, “but that’s my favorite movie!”

“I agree with Ivy, Danny man. Pick another. No, wait! Tell me about your date to the dance.” I wanted to be distracted…what better distraction than my gay friend’s love life?

“Well,” Danny started bashfully. “We both like Lady Gaga.”

Ivy and I feigned shock.

“No way! Gay guys liking-” I paused to widen my eyes, “Lady Gaga?”

Danny stuck his tongue out, “Oh shush.”

“Any more dates planned?” Ivy asked him.

Danny smiled, “Coffee after school on Monday.”

“Nice,” I commented.

Ivy nodded in approval.

“What about you, Ivy?” I turned to face her.

“Not much. He just asked me to be his girlfriend,” she snuck in a sly grin.

“Oh my gosh!” Danny and I sounded like those annoying cheerleaders in movies.

Yeah, you know the ones.

“You better tell us when you do it,” Danny wiggled his eyebrows to get his point across.

She rolled her eyes, “we’ve never done much more than make out.”

“Yet,” I smirked.

Danny and Ivy turned to me.

“Spill,” Ivy demanded.

“He gave me a ride to the hospital,” I replied simply.

“Oh, wow. That’s so scandalous,” Danny sassed. “Come on! Give us more to go on!”

“There is nothing more!” I insisted.

That I can tell you, I added silently.

“Well if you’re holding out on us now, you’ll owe us more later,” Ivy reminded.

“Ugh, fine.”

I gave up and told them everything from falling asleep in the hallway to getting home to an unlocked door. Though when it came to my levitating, I said that Derrek scared him with clever wording. They seemed to buy it, and even though I felt bad for lying, I knew it was for the best. I also left out the fact that he was going to meet me tomorrow and explain exactly what was happening….which scared me. He knows what is happening to me, and I just met him yesterday. Somehow our dance date doesn’t seem so blind, after all.

I followed Danny and Ivy to the couch for a movie, and for the second time in a day, I let sleep consume me.


Ahhh! I'm sorry!

Don't kill me!

I've been INSANELY busy with guard. You know it's true when I write a short author's note.

This is what I've been working on, I hope it's enough for now.

A quick thank you to ALL of you voters and fans!

I have over 2,000 (I think) reads, and almost 200 votes on the entire story. It's not much compared to other stuff out there, but it means a lot to me.

Keep it coming! It motivates me! :D

(I'm going to drag out the interactive voting. I'll add the two numbers together and subtract.....5....yeah, get the final number. :P )

VOTE! PLEASE! My birthday's in 10 days :3


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