Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter 19

“Eins, zwei, drei, veir, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn!” The German numbers rolled off of Danny’s tongue perfectly.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous.

“Feeling German?” I asked him.

“Yeah,” he replied. “Completely and utterly German.”

“It’s funny because you aren’t,” Ivy laughed.

“He could pull it off,” Derrek added. “He has the accent down.”

Danny mocked flattery, “Why thank you! It’s au naturel.”

“I think he’s just feeling foreign,” Ivy commented.

“I blame the German exchange students,” Danny replied. “And oh my god! Did you see that one really hot one?” He gushed.

“The tall blonde one?” I asked.

“They’re all tall and blonde, stupid,” Ivy joked.

“I know that, I’m not stupid. I happen to be an Americanized version,” I pouted.

“But yeah. The tallest, least blonde guy,” Danny responded. “I find brunettes much, much sexier than blondes,” Danny winked at Derrek playfully.

Derrek half laughed half choked, and I hit Danny’s arm.

“Shut up! He doesn’t swing that way,” I defended.

“Are you sure?” Ivy asked.

I thought back to the kiss. “I’m pretty sure,” I glanced at Derrek who nodded quickly.

We need to go, Aurora.

I frowned, but proceeded to stand up. “We need to go,” I spoke.

“Our moms want us back for dinner,” Derrek rose as well.

“Alright, then.” Ivy replied. She and Danny stood as well to hug us goodbye.

“Don’t preggo her eggo!” Danny joked, and I’m fairly confident that all of the color drowned from my face.

“Um….I wont?” A confused Derrek responded as we made our way to the door.

“Bye!” I called back to my friends.

“Bye, Ro!” Ivy replied.

Derrek and I walked out of sight before stopping again.

“Why did we need to leave, again?” I asked.

“The Board wants to talk with us,” he responded.

“We just saw them yesterday!” I protested.

“I’m sorry, but we can’t just disobey them. They’re here for our own good, not to annoy us,” he pointed out.

I nodded. He did have a point.

“Fine,” I huffed.

Seconds later, we were in the same room as yesterday, the panel of board members lined up against the wall. I was about to ask Derrek how we got here when I didn’t teleport us, but I was interrupted.

“Hello,” Aerisia’s silky voice spoke.

“Hi,” I greeted.

Derrek did the awkward head nod that teenage guys love to do.

“We need to talk,” Ignis continued.

“We’ve noticed that you two recently exchanged an affectionate gesture,” Aerisia spoke.

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