Chapter Sixteen

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**A late dedication to the person who guessed how old I turned on my birthday** ^

Chapter 16

“Those darn mammoths,” Danny shook his head.

“It’s not my fault they ate all the green beans!” I threw my hands up in exasperation.

“That’s what the leprechauns get for stuffing belly buttons with watermelons,” he replied.

Derrek approached us, eyes glinting in amusement.

“What the heck are you talking about?”

I glanced at Danny, and he nodded. I leaned over to whisper in Derrek’s ear, “Juliet refuses to shave her ears.”

“Aurora!” Derrek bent over my sleeping form.

“A sea monkey stole my wallet!” I jumped up, breathing heavily.

“Are you alright?”

“I just had the weirdest dream,” I began, but he interrupted.

“I can only imagine. Now hurry!”

I followed him out of the door and into the night. We walked down the dimly lit street and to the park in my neighborhood, moon shining brightly above us.

It was exactly two weeks after the Homecoming dance. My mom was back home, and doing fairly well. Ivy was still a virgin (or so she claimed) and Danny is…still Danny. I didn’t learn much more about my ‘powers,’ but Derrek says we have to wait until my powers evoke….which is exactly why we’re at the park at midnight. (I’m no drug dealer.)

“The moon is full, I suggest you do it now,” he urged me on.

“What exactly do I do?” I asked.

“Do you remember about two weeks ago, after we got home from the hospital?” He asked.

I nodded.

“Channel those exact feelings- relive the memory,” he offered.

I closed my eyes and did as he said…and absolutely nothing happened.

“Nothing’s happening,” I whispered.

“Obviously,” he replied. “Try thinking of something you have a very strong feeling about.

I thought of this one time Danny, Ivy and I were out together. We were walking home from school and a crowd of protesters were situated at a street corner. With our luck, they were protesting against gays. This one guy had enough nerve to cuss Danny out- and believe me when I say that the things he said were unforgivable. Danny played it off like it didn’t phase him, and I really have no idea how he does it. I thought of the anger I had towards that hateful man, and began to feel a sensation in my stomach. I felt powerful- like I could do anything.

“That’s it,” he said. “Keep it coming.”

The sensation kept building and my hands tightened into fists. I felt a chilly wind nip at the back of my neck as air began rushing around me. The lose strands of my long blonde hair whipped at my face, and I began feeling lighter and lighter until I was no longer standing.

Derrek spoke, but I couldn’t hear him over the wind pounding in my ear. He tried again, this time louder.

“Oh my god, Aurora! Stop!” He yelled, gripping onto a tree about 20 feet away.

I couldn’t stop, the feeling was uncontrollable. I had to let it go on something, but I didn’t want to destroy anything. The safest thing to do was manipulate myself. I threw my hands in the air, and what felt like a hurricane wind shot straight up, taking me with it.

Slowly the wind began to have more control of me than I had it. I thrashed around, flipping over myself as I shot upward. As soon as things started to die down, I began barreling towards the ground, which was a lot farther away than I remember it. I crashed in a defeated pile, and opened my eyes to survey the damage.

“Oh my-”

“Aurora!” Derrek shouted, running up to me.

“I can’t believe what I just saw. Are you alright?” He was breathing heavily, and he had scratches on his face and arms.

“I’m fine, but it’s not me we should be worried about. Are you okay?” I sat up and tried examining him, but the cuts disappeared as soon as I touched him.

I glanced up, and he nodded.



Sorry it's short...again...but cutting it off there just felt right.



This story is like...controlling itself. Whatever, I'm just doing what it tells me to. I am the author, after all.

I did have a happy birthday, so thank you all for the kind wishes! :)

AND OH MY GOD *explodes*

84 FANS, AND 4,000 READS. The reads climb by the HUNDREDS every day....and my mind is blown. This is like a dream come true. When you guys tell me how much you like it, or what you find funny, my happiness is unimaginable for something so small. I've probably said thank you a thousand times, but I really do want you all to know I mean it. I'm still replying to all of your comments, and thanking all new fans.....hopefully this is proof enough that I truly do appreciate the little things that make my hard work worth it. I tend to make weird and somewhat random goals for myself: my Wattpad one is 100 fans and 10,000 reads on something (And of course, winnign a Watty Award.) All of a sudden, it seems possible. Do me a favor: Vote if you like the story. Comment if you love it. And put a <3 at the end of a comment if you actually read my pain staking author's notes. xD


I heard this today on the "Goodnite, Dr. Death recording on MCR's latest album, and wrote it on my mirror. And then I had to share it with you guys. I don't know why I love it so much.

"You know that big ball of radiation we call the sun? Well it'll burst you into flames if you stay in one place too long. That is if the static don't get you first. So remember, even if you're dusted, you may be gone, but out here in the desert, your shadow lives on without you."

Mirror, MirrorWhere stories live. Discover now