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Here it is, guys. The Epilogue. *dramatic music.* This is it! For reals. My last update on this story group. There is a bit of sexual content at the end...though nothing that bad. Really. If you made it past the Truth or Dare kiss and that couch scene, you can handle this. xD Thank you all SO much for voting, commenting, and supporting this story. This is my last official Author's Note....so goodbye my darlings! *tear* <3



I stood next to Derrek, my arm linked with his. The clinking of champagne glasses rang around us, and my mom’s smile was the brightest I’ve seen it in a very long time. 

“Congratulations!”  Were called from all angles of the room, and I couldn’t help but join in the wide smiles all around me. 

“That wasn’t so bad now, was it?” Derrek bent down to whisper in my ear. 

Two years later and he still made me tingle. 

“I thought it was going to be a lot harder, that’s for sure. I felt like I was betraying my dad or something,” I confessed.

“Your dad would be very happy. John is a wonderful man,” he assured me. 

John was the guardian that ushered my mom out the night I officially met Bastian. 

“Where is everyone?” I asked Derrek, feeling awkwardly young around all of my mom’s friends.

“Ivy and Jenson went home,” he answered. “Danny and Bastian are probably somewhere making out.”

Jenson was Ivy’s current boy toy. She’s had three since Drake broke up with her because we quit Auxiliary. Oh, the dramas of high school. 

I began shivering, and Derrek pulled me closer to him. “We should probably go soon, too. You don’t want to be sick on Christmas,” he rubbed his unusually warm hands up and down my bare arms to try and warm me. 

I nodded, “Let’s go say goodbye to my mom.”

He followed me through the massive wedding party until we found my mom. Her simple white gown fell to her feet, and her head was dipped back in laughter. 


Her eyes landed on me, “Yes, dear?”

“We’re going to go now,” I reached in to hug her. 

“Oh, alright. I’ll see you tomorrow, then. My house around-” she paused to think. “Three?”

Derrek and I nodded.

“Take good care of her,” she added, and they shared some kind of meaningful mother to boyfriend look.

At least, I think they did. I wouldn’t know. 

“Bye, mom. Congratulations!”

“You’re so silly. John!” She called.

He appeared by her side, slinking a thick arm around her waist. “Yeah?”

“Aurora’s leaving,” she announced.

I smiled and gave a small wave, “see you tomorrow!”

He nodded, “I’m honored that you let me into your life like this. I want you to know that I never meant to repla-”

I cut him off. “No problem,” I laughed. “You can save the cliché step-parent lines for another time.”

He grinned, and pulled me into a hug. He was like a bear. A big, human bear. 

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