Chapter Seventeen

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Chanyeol's POV

Days have passed by but my feelings for Jeonghwa didn't change. Instead, my love for her grew more. Am I that fast? Sorry but I can't control myself to be inlove with her. She's just so perfect for me. The way she speaks, her cute satoori, her mispronounced Korean words when presenting and when we're in our english class, her english accent makes me go insane. Her voice sound like an angel everytime she's singing and rapping. I feel like I'm in heaven everytime she talks to me. Her beautiful eyes are sparkling everytime our eyes met. Her long eye lashes and double eyelids are mesmerizing. Her hair is straight, shinny and soft. You can identify it even if she's always in ponytail. Her nose are perfectly point, her thin, kissable red lips.. augh!! I only stare at her lips everytime she's talking to me. She didn't wear any make up so you can clearly see her bare baby-face skin, no pimples, no scars and her dimples in both corners of her lips are visible everytime she smiles. I didn't see her dance but mostly in our class are saying that she's very great at dancing. She's smart, kind, talented. All in all, she's my perfect girl. But there's someone I really envious with, it's BTS' maknae, Jungkook. I mean I'm not really envious of Jungkook because he's golden maknae but... because he's always with Jeonghwa. I'll explain one by one:

1. He and Jeonghwa share the same name. Yes. I'm envious because of that. It's clear already, no more explaination.

2. He's always with Jeonghwa. I don't know what's the reason why they're always together, they're not twin neither. He can always see Jeonghwa perform and even cheer for her every evaluation month. I can't do that because I'm always excused in school and practice, guestings, concerts and projects are in schedule. I heard someone in our class mentioned that Jeonghwa will be a trainee in the same entertainment as BTS. I don't want to believe that at first but I'm start to think that maybe the rumors are true. But is there a special or personal connections between Jungkook and Jeonghwa? I hope none.

3. It seems like Jungkook knows Jeonghwa very well. They're not twins but they like, love, hate and enjoy the same thing all the time. Everything about themselves are the same, even their face. I'm starting to creep out how I describe Jeonghwa earlier because I just remembered that she and Jungkook are the same in physical appearance a lot. /goosebumps/

4. He always makes her happy. I noticed that everytime she's with Jungkook, she laughes a lot. I really envy that. I remember when Jungkook is excused few days ago because of guesting and fansigning, she's very awkward with me but she tries her best to be less awkward. She became very talkative and even mentioned that she's a big fan of me. I really can't forget that because it's like a confession to me. (It'll appear in Chapter Nineteen or Twenty I guess. Just stay tuned :)) But the fact that she's always comfortable with Jungkook anywhere they go makes me sad. He knows how to make happy without too much effort. Like what happened weeks ago, (Chapter sixteen. thank you :)) Jeonghwa laughed but I don't know if it's because of me or because of what Jungkook told her.

5. I'M JEALOUS. There. I finally said it. I'm jealous in all aspects!! KSBDUDJAMXJDJWB I didn't know where to start explaining but ALDJKDHDJSBHCUDUS I REALLY--

"Mr. Park! What are you saying? You're murmuring something out loud a while ago. What is it? And you're just staring at the window. Are you even listening to my lectures?" uh-oh.. our terror teacher ask me. What will I do? And the worse is, we're in my math class. The whole class are looking at me, even Jeonghwa and Jungkook.

"I'm.. I'm sorry Sir. I just have a headache."

"You can go to the clinic if you want.." He said but I refused. He just give a 'tell-me-if-you-can-still-manage' look and I just nodded. He came back teaching math.

"Yaaaah Chanyeolie, what's happening to you these days? You're always act like your brain is floating, I can barely see it." She said jokingly. I chuckled and face her.

"Nah. I'm ok. I'm just tired I think.."

"By the way, me and Jungkookie brought your album! Wahahha I love it!!! ^^" She said as the both of them hold our album and smiles like a kid.

"Can you sign it for us?" Jungkook spoke and I nodded. Why am I very envious with this kid? He's just a teenager like me with raging hormones. I need to refresh after this class. I grab their albums, signed it and gave back to them.

"WAAAAAH. I'LL BRING MY OTHER ALBUMS TO BE SIGNED!!" Jeonghwa half-shout whispered.

"Me either!! Yey!" Jungkook said. They're really like twins. /sighs deeply/

I heard the school bell rings, a sign that it's lunch time. The chairs are screeching, students starts chatting, there's running outside the hallway, others are shouting and squeeking because most of idols in the school are walking down the hallways. Students will always be students. I'm walking down the stairs with girls clinging in my arms. Jeonghwa left already because her driver called her while Jungkook is reporting to Principal's office. It's usual to us, student idols, to report in the Principal to update about our incoming activities in the future. I stopped walking when my phone vibrates from my pocket. It's Suho-hyung.

"Yes hyung? Why?"

"Chanyeol-ah we have practice. Are you still in school?"

"Yes. It's our lunch time today--"

"..and you have no classes in the afternoon, I know that Yeol. You can eat here in the cafeteria, we're waiting for you. Baekhyun is here already." Really?

"Yaaaaa Chanyeollieeee~ eodigaaa?" Obviously, it's Baekhyun. lol

"Alright, I'm on my way." Suho-hyung ended the call because Baek might some inappropriate words on call, I'm still at school and someone might heard that. I ran towards my car, entered quickly, starts the engine and drove fast. Wait, oh.. my car is auto-pilot so no worries. /derp smile/

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