I sEe YOU, a HuMaN bEiNg-
try to be something you are told and expected to be.
Your mother screams and reprimands you to perfect-
do you realize that God has made ypu anything but that?!
You bow your head in submission,
you wonder about the secrets of creation.
"Darkness is inside me." You whispered as you paint.
You paint the scenes that depict deaths caused by apathy,
your hands paint and write down your thoughts soo darkly.
I am perfect.
I aM wOrThLeSs!!
I am to please them in every way.
WhErE iS mY sAnItY?!
I am the embodiement of who everyone wants to be.
Am I a TrOpHy To Be DiSpLaYeD!?
"Twinkle, Twinkle little star,
how is my sanity gone soo far?
I see the blood that give humans life,
is it my destiny to die?"
I am silent.
I aM sCrEaMiNg!!
I am to be happy.
I aM dYiNg InSiDe!
I am happy where I am.
GeT oUt AlIvE!
I am me...
I am me...
I aM mE...
I am the plastic doll they have created me to be.