He's back

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Jack's POV

She was just so beautiful I couldn't stop myself from leaning in. Are noses were basically touching until she ran away. I chased her, begging her to come back but she was incredibly fast and I lost her. I wanted to carry on looking for her but then I saw that the northern lights were rippling in the sky and that meant I had to get to the North's workshop.

I was in the globe room at North's workshop in minutes.

"Jack, your late." North's booming voice said.

"Yeah sorry about that." I said giving my infamous smirk.

"Come on mate, Manny has news." The kangaroo said impatiently. I walked to one of the columns in the corner of the room and pulled my hood up.

"ah Manny, good to see you old friend." North said with his thick, Russian accent.

A beam of the moon's light entered the room and moved to a circle in front of the globe. Then a shadow formed on the floor.

"Pitch." Tooth muttered angrily to herself.

"Manny, what can we do?" North ask with concern in his voice.

The moon's beam move to the centre of the circle and then a large blue crystal came from inside.

"A new guardian." North said to himself.

"Oooooo, I hope it's a girl." Tooth said with excitement.

"Please not the Groundhog, please not the Groundhog." Bunny whispered to himself.

I chuckled at the kangaroo. Sandy was just jumping up and down clapping.

Then the crystal began to form a figure. It was of the girl I saw earlier leaning against her staff smiling her adorable smile with her pet sloth thing around her waist. Oh god, I think I have fallen in love with this girl.

"Stephanie Muse." North said while stroking his long white beard.

"Stephanie Muse as in Apollo Stephanie Muse?" tooth ask her baby tooth fairies with a huge smile." She is so nice and I heard that her teeth are as white as Jack's."

I smirked looking closer at her face. 'Stephanie Muse, huh?' I thought to myself.

"Oh no, not her." Bunny said with a bit of anger in his voice.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked a little anger in my voice too.

"What's wrong with her? She messes with my Easter egg hunts, she an annoying, self-centred..."

"Guardian." North said finishing Bunny's sentence. I liked the fact that she messes with Bunny's egg hunt like me.

"Oh no, Stephanie is many things but she is not a guardian." Bunny argued.

"That's what you said about Jack." Tooth said with a smile on her face.

"Fine, Jack is an okay guardian but that doesn't mean I like him!" Bunny said.

"Hey!" I yelled playfully.

"Well, who is going to get her?" North said stopping the argument.

"Ooo, oooo pick me, pick me." Tooth said raising her arm in the air as far as she could while usingnher other arm to make it look like she was pushing it up further, like a school kid

"Okay, Tooth, you can go. Here are some snow globes and a sack, you can take Jim and Steve with you." He said handing her the equipment and pointing at the two yetis behind him.

"Wait! Are you going to do what you did to me 25 years ago?" I said concerned for Stephanie's safety.

"Well yeah, it's like a tradition." Tooth said a bit confused.

"Fine, just be gentle." I said knowing I wasn't going to change their mind.

"Has Jack Frost warmed up to Apollo?" Bunny said with a smirk on his furry face.

"Shut it, Kanga." I said leaning back against the column.

Bunny just smiled and Tooth went through the portal with the two yetis.


Tooth's POV

I arrived at Burgess by a frozen lake. I was confused at first but than I saw a girl sitting against a tree playing a weird instrument. She had a beautiful voice and I was a bit jealous but I decided to listen to her sing.


be my muse » jack frostWhere stories live. Discover now