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(Hello hello. This is book 2. If you haven't read HomeLess, you may want to first. Also, please read the story tags, thanks!)

Going to jail had not been on Domino's agenda three weeks ago. Sure he figured he might, after having gotten shit-faced drunk and beaten the hell out of some twink who refused to even give him a blowjob after he bought the idiot a drink. Now, however... he was a full-fledged inmate and finally transferring out of the medical word.

He'd put up a good fight when the cops had taken him down, so he'd had to spend a good deal of time in the jail's small hospital section. They also tried to give him a psychological evaluation, but he told them to shove it up their asses.

"Come on, Domino." The guard, blandly named Tommy, told him as he held Domino's arm and tried to move him forward from the spot he'd randomly stopped in. Domino thought about making him work for it, but he was bored of the medical ward and since his hands were cuffed, he couldn't exactly do much.

Glancing sideways at the man, he took in his dull features. Brown hair. Brown eyes. Slightly bent nose from a likely break. Acne scars from his teenage years. No. Thanks. Grimacing, he allowed the man to lead him down a hall, through three doors and another long hallway. By the time they got to the cell block he'd call home for the next six months, Domino knew they'd had to have traversed nearly half of the building.

Freaking white halls are all the same. It's like a god damned maze.

"Here's your cell. First on the right." The guard said, as if it weren't obvious enough when they'd stopped moving. Biting his tongue, Domino waited for the guy to unlock it, then stepped inside.

Instead of turning when his cuffs were removed and the door slid shut, the lock clicking automatically, Domino waited until he heard the sound of the guy's shoes on the floor walking away before moving. He blew out a frustrated breath and looked to his right, eyeing up the man that sat on the small cot across from the toilet and small sink.

"Well, gonna introduce yourself, asshole?" The man on the bed asked as he stood. Straightening to his full height, Domino couldn't really tell which of them was taller. Where he himself had short black hair, hazel eyes, and a good bit of muscle, the man that stood before him was muscles, though it was lean. He also had dark, nearly maroon colored hair and dark blue eyes.

"Depends. What's your first one? I assume your last is Bitch?" Domino replied in a growl.

The other man's eyes widened a fraction, yet he remained where he was standing. Domino was pretty good at judging people, so when he saw the man's arm muscle's twitch and his head tilt ever-so-slightly, he could tell that he was holding himself back.

Of course they wouldn't give me a sub to play with here.

"Done staring, chipmunk?"


The first punch was thrown reflexively. The man caught his fist easily, but Domino didn't try to break the contact when the man just held his fist in his own. Instead, he ground his teeth for a moment, forcing himself to calm down before he huffed.

"The hell do you think you are? No one fucking calls me a damned rodent!"

The man's lips parted into the slightest smile, revealing just a hint of decently straight, white teeth.

"Your two front teeth hang down a little more than the others. I think it fits. And it also suits your personality. Aggressive little vagrants."

My what? You don't even know me, you asshole!

Snatching his hand back, Domino stepped forward, right into the guy's personal space. The man didn't flinch, but his nose scrunched a little and his smile faded into a partial scowl.

"You don't fucking know me, you damned leprechaun. So I suggest you keep your nicknames to yourself before they end up getting you hurt."

The guy's head tilted again, this time to the opposite side, before his small smile reemerged.

"True. I don't know you. Nor do I want to. I just figured it would be easier for the guards to get your medical information pulled up when I break most of your bones due to your smart mouth, then for them to waste a few moments trying to remember what degenerate of society they shoved into my cell this time."

Fury boiled in Domino's veins but even though he likely looked like he was about to pull the guy apart with his bare hands, the leprechaun didn't seem bothered in the slightest. In fact, he actually turned and took the two steps back to the bed before dropping down onto it. When he kicked up his bare feet and stretched out, barely fitting on the small cot, Domino finally looked around the cell again. Some of his frustration drained as a question came to his mind.

"Wait. Where's my bed?" He asked, returning his attention to the man lying on the only one in the small rectangular room.

The man peeked open his right eye, then closed it as a smile slipped back onto his lips.

"You have to earn a bed here. Be a good little chipmunk and I'm sure you'll have one in no time."

Fury blinded Domino. He'd never been good at keeping control of his temper, but this guy clearly had a death wish. Well, time to meet the fucking reaper! Domino thought as he lunged at the man. With his eyes closed, it was easy to latch onto his neck with his left hand. Weighing at least a good twenty plus pounds more than the thinner man, Domino knew that he wouldn't be able to up.

Smiling sickeningly, Domino wound up his right arm, fingers curled into a tight fist. "Time to meet your new owner, you damned Irish asshole." He snarled, right before letting his fist fly.

He expected the hit to land, but the moments right before it was supposed to, a series of abrupt events occurred that caught him completely off guard. The man's eyes opened lazily, remaining half-lidded. He tracked his fist for a fraction of a second before Domino felt something hard connect with the left sight of his face, then a moment later, his right.

Everything got fuzzy from the first hit, so he didn't realize he'd slammed into the reinforced plaster on the cell's wall for the second one, instead of it being a fist. Not that it mattered much how the blows were dealt at that moment, because no matter how hard he tried to blink away the dark spots dancing before his vision as he dropped to the thin mattress, seemingly fighting with each other to get more space for themselves, Domino couldn't clear them. His head throbbed and his eyes slowly drifted shut. The only thing he could comprehend through his fogging mind was the quiet chuckle that had to have come from the Irish bastard before he spoke one simple sentence.

"The name's Jana."  

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