Just Words or a Life

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The morning of the hearing was far more stressful than Jana thought it would be. He knew that he wasn't getting out. Had that idea solidified in his head, but the discussion he had with Domino the previous night was getting under his skin. He'd always loved trying new things. Especially if he wasn't familiar with them... but that was when he was younger. Before he was broken.

Now I want nothing but my routine. He thought as he stared down at Tera, who was sniffing at a patch of weeds that had sprung up in the field. She seemed determined to get into a good position to pee on them, but couldn't quite find one.

"You are the strangest dog." He mumbled, even though he really had no idea what dogs acted like to begin with. He'd never had one growing up. Never really wanted one, either.

When Tera finally relieved herself a few moments later, Jana began walking the perimeter of the yard, not quite feeling up to running right then. Tera pranced around him as his mind began to wander. He knew that the hearing would be for parole thanks to Domino, but that didn't help him get ready for it. He'd never even been briefed on what that meant. Sure, he knew that it was basically getting a chance to leave the prison, but he had no doubt that there would be stipulations.

You're not getting out anyways, so don't worry about it. He thought as he turned.

Still, he couldn't just push aside the stress that was building. Shaking his head, he felt an ache in his forehead begin to throb.

"Hey Jana?"

Looking to his left, Jana saw Domino waving him over toward the doors leading back inside. He really didn't want to go back in yet, as he still had at least thirty minutes, but when Domino kept waving, Jana relented and headed toward him. Tommy realized that they were heading in early and followed, picking up Tera's bag.

"Sorry, I know you like being outside, but I wanted to ask you something." Domino said, making Jana stop in the hall and give him an annoyed look. He always did that, ask if he could do something, instead of just doing it.

"Right, sorry. Don't ask. Anyways, I wanted you to uh, possibly use your phone call..."

Phone call? He needs it? Has he even used his? Jana wondered.

He didn't care if Domino wanted to use his, though. He had never used a single one, even though they got them once a week and could earn more for good behavior. Who would he call?

Domino gestured for him to follow as he continued to move. Jana did, though he didn't bother answering the man. When he figured that out, Domino shrugged and continued walking until they were near the telephone cubicles. All calls were monitored and recorded, but again, who the hell was he going to call?

Turning to him, Domino gave Jana a weak smile and picked up the phone, then offered it to him after he dialed a number. "Here. I already talked to him, so he's expecting you to call. He's uh... a friend, and I think he can help you out with what you're going to have to go through during the hearing. You seemed really stressed, so I uh, used my phone call to set up a time you two could talk."

I don't want to talk to someone, let alone someone I've never met or know. Jana thought as he stared at the phone. He could hear the person on the other end pick up and reply with the general hello? but refused to take it.

"I know you don't like talking to people and you have no clue who this guy is, but I think he'll be helpful. If you don't like him or the conversation, you can just hang up." Domino said, keeping the phone extended to him.

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