There is No Fork in This Road

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(Because nothing's cuter than clouded leopard cubs! Can't wait till I get to see them in person :3)


The past several days were both amazing and terrifying. And of course, both emotions stemmed from interacting with Jana. For some reason Emmet's brother had been trying to get Jana to talk to him nearly every day, and Jana never came back from the conversations sane. granted, that gave Domino the opportunity to touch him. To hurt him. Yet, each time Jana spoke with Christopher, he was coming back needing more and more pain to keep from really hurting himself. The one time Jana had returned and Domino had been getting lunch, the guy had to go to the infirmary for scratching his left arm open pretty badly.

Leaning his head back against the concrete wall, Domino sighed quietly and added a little more pressure to Jana's right knee. It was very clear that all the stress was taking its toll on the man, because for once, his dark blue eyes had black marks beneath them. He was also much less distant, but only in terms of letting him get closer. Right then, Jana was actually leaning right up against him, resting his head on Domino's shoulder.

"Is he asleep?"

Hearing Tommy's question, Domino gently leaned closer to Jana until he could nuzzle his soft red hair. When he got no response and the man's breathing remained steady, he nodded and looked up at the guard.

"It doesn't look like he's holding up well with all of the questions Christopher's been throwing at him." He said, really just stating the obvious.

Domino rolled his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall, turning his attention to the opposite one. "Yeah. He's been terrible and it's getting worse every day. The guy needs to back off, because one of these days I won't be here and Jana's probably going to kill himself."

He thought he could say the words without feeling much, as they really didn't have any kind of relationship besides cellmates and masochist and sadist, to a point, but the idea of Jana killing himself didn't sit well with him.

Turning his head to look back down at Jana, Domino frowned. He knew it would happen, unfortunately. He couldn't remember ever hearing about people visiting him. No one but Emmet had really put forth a lot of effort to show that they cared. Sure, Tommy was observant and tried to keep Jana calm, but he never really verbally sparred back and forth with the guy like Emmet had. Jana also never seemed to be too interested in the man, so any attention would have likely been brushed aside. He had no one to really care if he were gone.

"I'm not really supposed to say this, as they want it to be a shock to him to hopefully get him to say more than what he has. But I think that it's not fair to him. So, I want to give you the information, and you can do with it as you choose." Tommy said, making Domino lift his eyes to meet his.

"The hearing that he's been scheduled for... I'm sure he told you or it slipped at one point?"

When Domino nodded, Tommy licked his lips and looked away, leaning sideways against the bars. "It's a parole hearing."

Parole? Jana?

The thought was both shocking and, honestly, very worrisome. Not that he didn't think Jana deserved to have a chance to live outside of the prison, but the man was so volatile. If something happened, he'd be put away for life, sentenced to death, or kill himself.

Why is there no way to save him from his past? Domino asked himself as he looked up at the ceiling, suddenly exhausted. 

"I don't think it's a good idea right now. He deserves a chance to be free, but I don't know if he could handle it." Tommy said, voicing some of the words that ran through Domino's head.

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