And I'll Be Me

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(Feels warning. Thank you for all the ideas, they've given me quite a bit to think about. Song: Let it Go)


After he had been brought back inside, soaked, yet somehow encouraged, Domino had been taken back to their cell while he was taken to shower and change. Tera had also been lead somewhere, but he wasn't sure exactly where. The clothing he was given afterward was unfamiliar, and that's what started an uncomfortable fidget in his left fingers. The jeans were slightly loose over his boxers, but not nearly as much as his prison uniform had been. They were brand new, along with the dark red long sleeved shirt that almost perfectly matched his hair, the tags having just been removed from both.

He'd never had anything new.

Narrowing his eyes down at the clothing, he wrinkled his nose and debated whether it would be worth it to try and get something else. He didn't care for the blood-red color, nor the feel of either item, but he knew that it was likely out of his hands. 

"Jana, we need you to sign these forms for your release." A man said in front of him.

Looking up slowly, Jana tilted his head slightly and met the man's eyes from across the room he had been put into. It wasn't nearly as confined as ones he'd been in previously. There was actually a door to an outer room he could see because of the wall between them being reinforced glass, then a set of double doors that led outside.

Almost freedom. But not.

He expected his new voice to comment something, but it remained a quiet, giddy feeling just behind his eyes, as if it were watching things play out and didn't want to interfere.

Stepping forward, he made his way over to the window the man sat behind and took the papers he slid beneath a glass shield. A pen was fastened to a small metal chain right next to the window so he grabbed it and signed where necessary. When he returned the papers, he was given a folder as the man smiled at him, a worried tilt to the gesture.

"I hope everything goes well for you, Jana. There is one hundred dollars in the folder, along with your release paperwork. There are also several places you can contact for help if needed. There are many for different situations."

Jana nodded, then was told to go sit down until his ride came. When he turned toward the large window to his right, his heart stuttered and dropped. It was pouring, the storm somehow silenced to background noise within the large room.

I don't like it. His new voice finally said, mirroring his own worry. He didn't like quiet storms. They were always loud when he was in his cell. Always a change from the quiet everyday life he'd lived. There were never any whispers or groans that could rise above the volume of a rumble of thunder, spawned by a crack of lightning so close that it vibrated his bones.

"Hey there, Jana."

Jerking his head up, Jana frowned as he was forced to remove his left cheek from the cool glass. He'd sat down in the corner, ignoring the metal chairs bolted to the floors. Turning his head toward the voice, he looked up to see Christopher a few steps away. The man didn't come any closer, which was likely a good idea.

I wanna go outside. His new voice thought.

Unable to do anything about its wants at that moment, Jana pushed it to the side and slowly stood and turned to face Christopher. Instead of speaking, Christopher held out a folded piece of paper. Jana eyed it warily for a few moments before hesitantly reaching out and grasping it by the edge. Christopher released it to him, and he brought it closer, but didn't look away from the man.

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