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(Time to connect the stories ;D I'm sure you guys allll forgot about the little bit mentioned in here)


Anger fueled each step Tommy took toward the clinic. He didn't give a damn if Christopher didn't like Jana, he shouldn't have let that play a role in his decision! When he swung the door open, it was easy to spot Christopher, as he was the only doctor on duty... and the only person in the room.

When he stalked over, Christopher lifted his head from the sandwich he had been about to take a bite of. When he saw who it was, his brow furrowed and he set his meal down.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

Tommy bristled at his nonchalant tone but managed to keep his own voice somewhat calm. "No, but you can help Jana. You know damn right he's eligible and could start taking classes outside of here as part of the conditions. So why the hell did you decline his parole?"

Okay, he sounded a little more aggressive than he thought he might, but he was pissed! He'd only been Jana's guard for a short time compared to how long he had been there and the guy might be violent, but he could also get help outside, too. Staying in prison wasn't going to do a damn thing for him!

"Calm down." Christopher said on a sigh as he lifted a thermos to his lips and drank.

Normally he was really good at calm, he had to be, but right then it was hard to control his frustration. When Christopher finally set his thermos down and looked back up at him, he wore a small smile on his lips.

"I don't think Jana is ready for the outside world. You shouldn't either, considering he actually sighed with relief when I declined his parole and needed pain just to sit through that simple meeting."

Tommy knew that, in some ways, he was right, but another thing really bothered him that he needed to figure out.

"Why the hell did you ask him about your brother? You know damn well he was the only person he gave a damn about. Were you trying to make him mess up his chances of getting out?" He asked, hands balling into fists at his sides as he spoke.

"Yes. That is exactly what I was doing." Christopher replied, then continued after another sip from his drink, which smelled like coffee. "If he can't handle a stressful situation, he isn't ready to leave."

But using your brother wasn't fair! Tommy thought, though now new better than to voice it. The guy was right, to a point, but there were other things he could have brought up that would stress Jana out.

"You think I was being an ass, don't you?" Christopher said, suddenly standing up and leaning over so that Tommy had to take a step back. "I needed to see his reaction to having lost something important. He doesn't value anything he has to the point that he had valued my brother, so I used that against him. It might have been dirty, but it got the response I was looking for. He isn't ready."

Tommy's lips twitched with the need to respond, but he bit down on them, keeping his mouth from being able to open and retort.

"I know you want to say something back, Tommy." Christopher said, his tone slightly softer yet somehow more dominant as he reached forward, resting his right palm against Tommy's cheek. "You're a switch. And I can see your dominant side just begging to verbally spar with me about your troubled Irish boy."

He couldn't argue that. He did want to lay into him, even if Christopher didn't end up seeing it his way in the end.

"Unfortunately for you, I'm not a switch." Christopher whispered as he leaned closer, his breath ghosting over Tommy's ear as he spoke. "I'm a complete dominant... and I don't appreciate you telling me that I've done something wrong when we both know it was the right thing to do."

Tommy felt his body stiffen at the man's touch. He had a response for him, too, but that was before he felt his breath against his ear and his thumb begin to rub bruising circles on his cheek. He couldn't help but lean in as he fought to stifle a groan. It had been a long time since he'd gotten any attention. Months had passed since his last pathetic encounter with... David, he thought was the guys name. Turned out he had already been owned by some giant ape-of-a-guy, and had been taken away by him before he could even get anywhere.

Man was that a shot to my ego. Especially when he didn't react to a single thing. Tommy thought as he allowed his head to slowly be tilted back, the sharp pain against his scalp telling him that Christopher had woven his fingers through his hair while he was preoccupied in his own mind.

"Do you have a submissive or dominant right now, Tommy?" Christopher asked as he pressed his lips against Tommy's neck and began nibbling, not caring that there would be a mark right in the middle, in clear view for everyone to see. He never hid his marks, Tommy knew that. And especially not on someone he was claiming dominance over.

Unable to get words to form in his mouth, Tommy forced his head to shake side to side. When there was no response and Christopher removed his lips from his neck, Tommy hurried to pant out, "N-no."

When Christopher's lips still didn't return, Tommy lowered his head and saw that the man had returned to his seat and was sipping his drink. Tease! Still, he could feel the slight mark he'd left in the center of his throat and couldn't help feel a small bit of pride well up in his chest. Christopher was a pretty 'high level' dominant at the club he often frequented. It was hard for any sub to catch his attention, let alone enough to get him into a room for anything.

"You tend to stare off into space quite a lot. What's going on in that head of yours, Tommy?" Christopher asked, tilting his head slightly as a smile slipped onto his lips.

Knowing that he would say or do something stupid if he stayed any longer, Tommy quickly turned on his heals and made his way to the door. He'd never had so much trouble handling himself around another person, even dominants when he felt submissive. It's probably just because you're frustrated and he took you by surprise. He thought as he stalked out of the room.

His feet took him to where he needed to be automatically; Jana and Domino's cell. The two were together, sitting in the back of the small room. Domino looked like he was half asleep, leaning partially against Jana and back against the concrete wall, while Jana had a science textbook propped open on his lap and Tera slept on his pillow.

He's really into the book. Tommy thought as he silently approached the bars.

Normally Jana would be watching and waiting, having heard him a long while before he got close, but he was clearly too engrossed in the book to care. Looking a bit closer, Tommy realized that he had a calculator, pencil, and notebook to his right. It didn't look like much was written on it yet, but judging from how quickly Jana was going through the pages, he probably understood the material so far and didn't need to make many notes.

At least he's taking Christopher's words seriously. I'm also glad he actually does enjoy chemistry and wasn't just trying to impress the parole board. I think that's the first pencil he's gotten since he stabbed someone with one last year, too.

When Jana remained buried in the book, Tommy switched his attention to Domino. Now you, I'm not too sure actually have a direction. Your record isn't great, even if it's nothing compared to Jana's. He never had a chance, but you definitely did. Hell, you still probably have people waiting eagerly for you to get out.

Looking between the two, Tommy couldn't ignore the obvious connection slowly being formed, though. He knew that Domino was a dominant, even if he hadn't looked at his records, that would be hard to miss. How Jana could ever be a submissive to that dominance, he had no idea. The guy was a time bomb to anyone who tried to control him. Yet... somehow they're just sitting together and likely had been since the hearing. Jana looked completely content with his book as he studied and Domino was visibly relaxed, if not a little bored with his eyes closed and head tilted back against the wall.

What an odd couple. Tommy thought with a grin as he turned and stepped to the side, leaning his weight against the wall beside the cell as he let his thoughts wander. He would need to take them out soon so that Tera could go bathroom, but they seemed so content, he figured he'd leave them be for a bit longer. 

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