Bite Me

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The sound of two sets of footsteps brought Domino out of his doze. He was sitting against the opposite wall from Jana's bed and lifted his head to watch for the guard and his hostile roommate. They appeared a few seconds later, along with Tera. Just seeing the dog made a smile want to tug at his lips, but he kept it back as Tommy got the cell unlocked.

"Go grab your spare change of clothes, and Domino, you might as well come, too. We're going to the showers and I'm sure Jana would appreciate some help scrubbing Tera."

Normally he'd tell anyone asking him to do work for them to go to hell, but Domino was more than happy to get a chance to get out of his cell and interact with the dog. "Sure." He replied quickly as he got up and grabbed his own extra set of clothes.

When they both exited the cell, Domino in handcuffs, Tommy shut and locked it, then began leading them down to the showers in the gym. There were other, much larger ones they could have gone to, but Domino figured that Tommy knew it would take most of his attention just to keep Jana from snapping. They didn't need any extra possible triggers around.

Stepping into the weight room, Jana immediately turned toward the weightlifting area and took a seat on a bench. Tommy looked a bit frustrated at first, but Domino could tell that he wasn't going to do anything about it when the guard uncuffed his hands, then walked over and took the spotter position.

That twig is not going to be very reliable. Domino thought as he slowly approached. Noting the amount of weight Jana was adding to the bar, Domino pursed his lips, then nudged Tommy out of the way. "You aren't strong enough." He stated at the same time Jana laid down on the bench and noticed him where Tommy should have been.

"Get the hell away from me." Jana growled as he began lifting the weights. There was no way Tommy would be able to safely spot the guy. Domino hadn't been paying attention to the amount of weight when it got to a certain point so he wasn't quite sure on the number, but it had to be pretty close to two-hundred and eighty something. Again, Domino wanted to argue, but he had learned rather quickly that with Jana, there was never a winner. He would likely get hurt and Jana would get sent away to solitary again. So, biting back his instinctive response, Domino just shrugged and grasped the bar lightly as Jana started his reps.

"He's too small to spot you. If you drop it, I doubt he'll be able to do more than tilt the thing before it falls."

Granted, Jana didn't look like he could lift so much, as he was a pretty regular-sized guy. His muscles, however, were like plates of body armor. Domino had never seen such a well-defined body. His own was pretty fit and he definitely had a lot more weight to him than Jana, but he had no doubt that the guy would be able to match him if they were ever competing with the weights.

Damn. If he wasn't so insane I would be molesting him up and down right now. Domino thought sourly as he counted the reps in his head. Somewhere around thirty-two he felt the bar begin to shake and refocused his attention down at Jana. Not a second later, the bar dropped and jerked him forward. Automatically, Domino tried to pull the weight up so that it didn't land on Jana. He managed to hold it long enough for Jana to duck under and away, but then it slipped from his hands and actually dropped closer to the back of the bench, leaving it to thunk to the floor not a second after tipping off of the seat. Domino wasn't even able to process that it had landed on his toe until he saw Tommy scramble to push it off.

Sure, it hurt like hell, but the fact that he hadn't even caught the damned thing for more than a few seconds was not okay. He was stronger than that! And now my toes probably broken. Fucking great. He thought as he turned around and sat on the bench to remove his shoe. Sure enough, it was already turning blue.

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