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Nerves stole his breath as he was helped toward the infirmary. An ambulance had already been called, but it seemed like every car accident that could happen in the city fifty miles away, did. None were available to come for at least twenty minutes, which would mean that he would have had to wait over an hour.

His feet stumbled as the two guards, one on either of side, finally managed to get him inside of the large sterile room. Tommy's vision started to blur as the scent of copper mixed with the antiseptic in the room. His vision swam abruptly, the bright light making the rushing sound in his head turn into the roar of a waterfall.

He could tell that someone was shouting and he was definitely still being moved, but as to who and where, he had no idea anymore. After what felt like several minutes, but had to have only been seconds, he was on his back. The left side of his chest throbbed and he couldn't keep the scream in his throat from sounding.

"Get the gauze and hold it over the wound."


The thundering noise in his ears began to subside, allowing him to hear, but it seemed like he was suddenly underwater with how far away the words sounded.


The demanding tone forced the quiet back slightly, startling him just enough to bring his ability to focus, forward.

"Listen to my voice, Tommy. That's an order. You better be able to tell me everything I say during this later."

Everything...? Tommy thought tiredly.

He didn't think he could remember any of it right after Chris had spoken, but the man didn't seem deterred.

"What is your job?" Christopher asked. It sounded like he was moving around a lot. Doing a lot of things.

Tommy tried to answer him after a moment, but could only get out a nearly-mute groan.

"Right. How old are you?" He asked, then added, though he sounded slightly further away. "Get the hell out if you can't do simple shit right!"

The sound of feet scrambling away met his ears. Soon the door closed, and Tommy knew that he was either alone with Chris, or whoever else was there was being very quiet and staying out of the man's way.

"I want an answer Tommy, now."

Twenty... eight? Nine?  One?


He flinched at the loud yell right by his ear. The movement made his chest jerk and he gasped and whined.

"Good. Stay with me. You're starting to go into shock, I need you to stay here."

Something cold pressed against his left chest and Tommy felt everything instantly disappear. His mind went blank, but he only got a second's reprieve before sharp, stabbing pain broke free of his sanctuary and pulled him back. He knew that he was screaming, then. There was nothing else he could do to cope as his chest felt like it was being carved apart.

"You're doing so well. You can keep screaming. It's okay. No one else is here." Christopher said as he moved something in the wound on Tommy's chest, making the man choke on a sob and try to move away.

"No. Stay still for just a few more moments. I have to clean this and close the wound before it gets infected or you lose anymore blood."

The commanding tone was lost on Tommy as he tried to scoot further away from the object creating the unbearable pain. Before he could get far enough away, a large hand pressed against his back, stalling his attempts. Tommy heard the sound of something metal dropping onto something else of the same material. Then, what he could only assume was Christopher's doctor's coat, rustled as he moved.

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