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He didn't like it. Not one damn bit. The kid was annoying, adult or not, with his want to be touching him, but the new man? Jana felt like he was suddenly back in prison during his first few months. Everyone had watched him. Tried to get him. 

I won't let him touch him. He thought as he stalked out of the hallway to put himself between the slightly taller man and A.J.. The man's face remained inquisitive, yet stoic. He was curious, probably about A.J., but Jana didn't want to let him get any closer to the guy. 

"Ah, hey Jana. Jade, Jana. Jana, this is my good friend, Jade." Domino said as he walked in from the direction of the kitchen. 

Jana nodded, but didn't move an inch. Jade, however, actually cracked a small smile. "Ah, that makes a lot more sense now. I knew that the boy behind him couldn't have been the same one you've been telling me about." 

Tilting his head, Jana narrowed his eyes. He didn't know that Domino had been talking with the man. 

"It's alright, Jana. We always chat, but he doesn't like to tell people that he knows me. And honestly, I prefer that, too. His record isn't exactly good." Jade replied, getting a grunt from Domino before the man disappeared back into the kitchen. 

Silence stretched out between them for several minutes before Domino began bringing glasses of water into the room to place on the small table pushed back into the corner. Jana was perfectly content to keep glaring at Jade, but when A.J. suddenly moved from behind him and ran for the kitchen, he wasn't sure what he wanted to do. 

He didn't need to bother deciding, however, because A.J. returned a moment later carrying a large bowl of pasta. He carefully set it on the table as Domino followed with garlic bread, then four forks and plates. Jana took a seat after a final glare at Jade, then watched as Domino sat between him and Jade. The fourth chair, however, which should have had A.J. in it, was empty. 

I guess he's not hungry. Jana thought with a shrug as he began to load his plate up with food. 

Everyone else seemed to think similarly, because no one got up to check on A.J. until the meal was already half over. The person who did stand up, made Jana immediately tense as his eyes cut to the man. 

"I'm going to go see if he's hungry." He stated simply as he picked up the only empty plate and added a small portion of pasta, meatballs, and a slice of garlic bread to it. It wasn't nearly enough for A.J., but Jana kept his mouth shut and silently watched as the man headed for the hallway. 

He itched to follow, and after only a minute, he found himself standing, too. Feeling Domino's eyes on him, he looked back just long enough to acknowledge him with a nod, before walking over toward the doorjamb to the hall and leaning against it. 

"You are hungry." Jade said, his deep voice easily audible from where Jana was standing. 

Silence was left hanging in the air for several moments before Jana heard the sound of a fork lightly scraping against a plate, then Jade spoke with a very stern tone added to his already-strong voice. "Open your mouth." 

Jana felt himself tense at the clear order, but when he heard the faint sound of teeth scraping against the fork, then Jade's response of "Good," Jana made himself stay where he was and unclench his fists. 

He remained where he was and just listened for several quiet minutes. Jade continued to feed A.J., from what he could hear, but neither of them said anything else until Jana slowly stepped around the corner. Jade was just setting aside the empty plate when their gazes connected. Jana narrowed his eyes right away, but Jade just gave him a slight nod before A.J. peaked around the larger man and smiled shyly, but didn't try to stand up. 

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