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(Awesome cover fanart by MayaDemonAngel) 


Fucking bright light!

Hearing someone walking around where he was lying on some sort of bed or cot, Domino held himself back from smashing the light shining down on his face and instead growled at whoever was there.

"Turn off that damn light or I'm going to break it."

The feet stopped suddenly on the floor, then hurried over. After a moment, the sound of a switch being pressed sounded, then the light disappeared. Since it was safe to open his eyes then, he blinked and scowled up at the doctor staring down at him.

"You took a pretty good blow to the head. I need to know what happened." The man said as he sat down in a chair Domino just noticed had been pulled up near the cot.

"The dumb ass hit me." He stated blandly. His expression remained frustrated until his lips turned up into a smirk. "The idiot was talking shit but I ignored him. Then I tried to climb into the bed, since there looked like there was enough room. My fingers brushed his neck and he flipped the fuck out."

The doctor nodded but didn't comment. Instead, he just stood back up and stepped back, then gestured for Domino to get down from the raised cot. Ah, a gurney. He thought as he dropped to his feet, then staggered. The doctor jerked forward and caught Domino just in time. It was clear quite quickly, however, that the doctor couldn't hold his weight up very well.

"Take my seat," the man hurried to say. Domino felt an immediate surge rush through his chest as he saw the doctor struggle to help him sit. He knew he was a heavy guy and that most would have trouble lifting him, but seeing the guy having issues made him keep more of his weight on him.

As he slowly let the man guide his body into the chair, Domino ran his gaze along his body approvingly. Light blond hair. Not bad. Soft brown eyes. Decent, but not great. His skin was smooth, though, and all in all, he was an okay looking guy. The doctor's coat was a nice touch, too.

Once finally sitting, Domino leaned back slightly and sighed, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them and fixing the doctor with a gaze. The man was leaning over him, the end of his stethoscope in his right hand. He held it out as if he was unsure if he would need it or not. This one's gonna be mine in no time. Domino thought hungrily as he reached forward, grasping the end of the stethoscope and yanking.

The doctor gasped and stumbled forward, unable to stop the sudden momentum. Domino just smirked and leaned back again, waiting for his new quarry to land in his lap. The man did, in a way, but definitely not the way he'd planned. The doctor's knee came down directly between Domino's legs, making the guy scream and grab himself as he hunched forward. "Fuck!" He screamed as he shoved the man off of him and onto the floor.

He noticed the doctor scramble back to his feet from the corner of his teary eye, but didn't hear the door open. When he managed to catch his breath a moment later, he jerked himself up out of the small seat and stalked toward the doctor, who was wisely backing away with his hands up. He was also looking around frantically, but Domino realized that all of the call buttons were off to his left or behind him back by the bed.

"You little shit. You're gonna pay for that." He hissed out, fists clenching as they itched to mar the man's pale skin. Far too pale. He needs some bruises, badly. Domino thought as he wound up his right arm.

When he swung and his fist connected with the man's left cheek, it felt like heaven. The hell came crashing down before he could enjoy the euphoric feeling and zapped him right in the side. Literally. The barb from a taiser hit home and his body revolted against his wishes and began to shake as it dropped to the floor. He'd been taised his fair share of times, but dammit if it didn't hurt like hell when it caught him off guard!

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