Laugh At Me

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Jana remained silent on their way back to the cell. Domino mumbled here and there, but there were far more interesting things to listen to in his own head, to bother paying attention to the other man. Once back inside Tommy locked the door and headed off, needing to report to his boss before returning before lights out.

First things first. Jana thought as he sauntered over to the toilet and tugged down his pants. Ignoring Domino completely, Jana relieved himself, then pulled his pants back up before turning. He's on my bed...

Anger flared in his mind as he watched the other man stretch out on his cot. The bed was anything but comfortable, but it was definitely better than sleeping on the concrete floor.

Instead of bothering with Domino, Jana walked over to the steel bars and gripped them tightly, then swung his body out. Grunting from the effort, he clenched his teeth and began doing sideways pull-ups. His muscles screamed almost immediately, but he refused to stop until he had done twenty reps. When his feet returned to the floor he heard shifting behind him and turned.

"Keep going, I was enjoying the show." Domino said with a smirk.

Jana couldn't decide if the man was messing with him or being honest. Either way, it bothered him. Instead of continuing to work off his frustrations, like Tommy had suggested when they'd first met, he walked closer to Domino and crossed his arms over his bare chest.

Instead of being intimidated, Domino just grinned and reached forward, tapping a finger on the bandages that were wrapped around Jana's chest. "What happened here?" He asked, taking Jana by slight surprise.

Decisions, decisions. He wasn't sure if he wanted to answer or not. It would be fun to mess with the man, but at that moment, he really didn't feel like playing with him... mainly because the truth would likely be more disturbing. With a sick little smile Jana lifted his hands and splayed his fingers so that Domino could see his nails. Blood was caked beneath them.

He wasn't quite expecting any specific reaction from the man. He just wanted something. What he got, however, was far from what he would have considered. Domino's fingers slid beneath one of the bandage layers and began gently tugging until the wrapping began to fall away. When it was completely pooled around his feet, Domino moved his hands to grasp Jana's sides, then leaned forward.

The moment Domino's tongue began traveling from the bottom of one wound toward the top, Jana felt his body begin to pull taut. His muscles tensed and his eyes locked onto what the man was doing. Don't touch me. He thought as his upper lip began to pull back in warning. Domino didn't seem to notice. The man was completely entranced in what he was doing. Do not. Fucking. Touch me!

Snarling out a furious growl, Jana grabbed Domino's right shoulder with his left hand and shoved him back against the wall, hard. He then followed with a right hook. Domino managed to dodge the attack, sending Jana's fist right into the concrete wall. He felt his knuckles split as pain reverberated through his bones and up his arm.

"Hey dude, chill!" Domino said playfully, his sarcasm making Jana's fury worse.

He swung around, lunging off of the bed as he grabbed something from his waistband and aimed it at Domino. The other man managed to dodge again, but Jana was ready. He swiped his makeshift shank at Domino's throat, but before the hit could connect, he felt something snag in his back and a sudden jolt locked his body. He dropped for a moment but didn't stay down long.

Struggling with his twitching muscles, Jana stumbled to his feet, only to be tackled by several guards and taised again. His vision began to swim, yet he still refused to stop. He didn't want to stay down. It took the guards three taises and two cans of pepper spray to finally get him under control. He was pulled from the cell and staggered wherever he was directed.

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