Part I

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Her name was Marceline. She was the third child of Kherion Phox the Great, and his queen, Areah. They were the kings of Mand'wn. She was gifted with great beauty: she had glowing red irises, brown locks, and tan skin.The little princess had show at a very young age to be determined, brave and strong-willed; but she had abilities that not many people possessed: she was a Jedi. It explained the child's spirit of adventure and endless energy. They discovered it when one day they received the visit of Luke Skywalker, the last living Jedi. He said he would train her, and eventually she would turn into a Jedi Knight. The king wasn't happy at all, his daughter was just 5 years old, she wasn't old enough to leave the palace, nor her family. Luke told them she would be in his personal care, but the king wasn't convinced. The queen shared a friendship with princess Leia, her son Ben, was going to train with Luke too, and that gave the queen a sense of trust towards the princess's brother. Areah didn't want to send her child away, but it was the right thing to do. So the king had to agree. Marceline left with Luke a few days after her parents made the decision, she was confused and afraid, but something was calling her.

In their way to the Jedi temple, Luke noticed she didn't talk much, she just doodled and stared at the window. He felt she was disturbed, so he decide to, hopefully, start a conversation

"Marceline" he called making the toddler to turn to his direction "You know who I am?"

"You are Luke Skywalker" she smiled "Mamma has told me stories about you, but pappa isn't very fond of them"

Luke was amused by the way the little girl expressed herself, she didn't stutter or had trouble pronouncing a word "Oh really?" the princess nodded "What about you? Are you fond of them?"

"It's the only good thing about bed time!" she replied as if it was obvious "Do you think I can be as good as you?"

"It will take time, but I'm sure you will" Luke watched her grin and giggle, when a sudden beep was heard. R2 walked towards them and stand in front of Marceline "This is R2, he is my droid"

She waved at R2, and earned a beep from the droid "Was he with you during the Yavin Battle?" The jedi nodded and laughed as he watched her talk to the droid with excitement "He must be really brave!"

Luke looked at R2 proudly "Yeah, he is" He made a small pause "You know, I have a nephew that will train with you"

"Really?" she tilt her head "What's his name?"

"His name is Ben, he is just a few years older than you"

"He is Princess Leia's son?" The little princess gasped "So he must be Han Solo's son! Can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure" Luke replied

"I think Han Solo it's really handsome" She whispered. Luke couldn't help but laugh. It seems princesses have something with him, he thought.

Marceline climbed her way to a window "Is it here?"

"Yes, it's here" Luke rushed over to the control room to land. The whole place was breathtaking: the island was covered in green and blue, the sun shined gently and the air blew softly. When they were walking out of the ship, Marceline saw a red haired woman in front of them. She was beautiful, but she looked fierce at the same time. It was there when Mars decided she wanted to be just like her.

"Hello" said the woman "My name is Mara Jade, you must be Marceline"

"Mamma calls me Mars sometimes"Marceline smiled and walked over to her "Are you a Jedi?"

"You could say so" Mara Jade felt a growing connection between the little girl and her, but why? The answer was as mysterious as the Force could be.

"Mars" Luke called walking the princess to a boy "This is Ben, he's my padawan"

The boy was darked hair and had deep brown eyes; he didn't talk, he just stare.

"Are you shy?" Mars tilted her head "Sometimes shy people have trouble speaking to strangers"

Ben looked at her like she was mad, if she was supposed to be a princess, why does she talked like that? Princesses didn't act like that, right?! But, maybe, she was a different kind of princess...

"Don't worry! I'll start the conversation!" Mars couldn't hide her excitement she had never made any friends, and this was interesting "What's your favorite color?"

He was still speechless, and, of course, it wasn't the reaction she expected "Mine is black, but mamma thinks it's not appropriate for child, so I tell her it's red. It's my second favorite color!" she continued.

Ben thought she was quite funny, even though she talked too fast. He was a little timid, that was it. "I like many colors" he finally said.

Marceline's smile grow wider and talked to him about every subject that crossed her mind, she never stopped talking to her new friend Ben.

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