Part XV

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It hadn't been an easy week for Mars. She had been in exhausting patrols and night missions with new recruits, who weren't that helpful. Besides having to explain every little thing to them, which she hated, she had barely talked to her friends; when she had time off, they were on different missions.
Mars felt a little bad when she realized he missed Poe the most. She liked everyone the same, but she shared life experiences with him that made their bond stronger. Poe, somehow, understood her, all her crazy ideas, her weird humour, he always made her laugh until she couldn't breathe, when she was feeling down, Mars could find comfort and shelter with him.
Mars let out a sigh when she saw the hangar getting closer.
"Alright, Willet, you earned it" she heard her superior through her helmet "You're free for the day"

"Yes, sir" She said with a small smile "BB-4 let everyone know we're off for the day"

The droid beeped and shaked happily. When they finally land, Mars took a deep breath before taking her helmet off, and jumped out of the X-Wing, helping BB-4 out of it too.

"You know, I could really use a nap right now"

On the way to her quarter, Mars talked to her droid about a few problems she had with her ship during the week. When they arrived, she practically rushed to take off her uniform, and, finally, take the nap she had been longing for all week.
It had passed only three hours when BB-4 woke her up.

"What?" Whined Mars, realizing there was a loud knock on her door "Who are you, and what the hell do you want?" She yelled this time.
Mars just received a chuckle in response; it sounded to deep to be Karé, so she figured out it was Snaps.

"Speak up, Wexley" she threat while walking to the door "I just took the safety off my blaster"

"Still not Wexley. Hey BB-4" Poe let out a laugh "Nice outfit by the way, " he said, noticing she was wearing a plain t-shirt and sweat pants.

Mars let him in "You're lucky that at least I have pants on"

"I don't actually consider that luck" he grinned "Luck would be seeing them in my bedroom floor"

"Shut it, Dameron" Mars said, feeling her face burning "What do I owe the interruption of my nap?"

"I thought maybe we could hang out. We didn't talked today until now, if you recall" he shrugged "Or do you have plans for something else?"

"Well, I was going to take a shower after the nap, but I guess it can wait" she smiled softly "But you'll have to wait outside while I change"

"Oh, come on, you can leave like that. What's wrong with what you're wearing?"

"Okay, okay" Mars gave in "But I still need a jacket though"

Poe took of his jacket and handed it to Mars "Here, you can take mine"

"It's alright, Poe, I have one right here" she insisted.

"Oh no, you look much more cuter in mine" He smiled, didn't realizing what he had just said "You know, 'cause it's bigger than yours and you look tiny in it" Poe tried to explain.

Mars felt her cheeks turning pink, and put on the jacket. It had Poe's scent all over it, which she loved to the bone "Thanks" she muttered with a giggle.

"No problem" Poe sighed.

Before leaving the room, they waved a last 'bye' to BB-4.

"So, we're heading to the canteen?" Mars asked, making her way through the corridor.

"I got something a little bit different in mind" he suggested.

"What is it?"

"A race" Poe said quite proud.

Mars raised her eyebrows "A race? You know we aren't supposed to do that, right?"

"Relax, it'll be fun. I'll talk our way out of any trouble"

"Alright" Mars sighed.

"Are we going to make this anymore interesting?"

"You want a bet?" She laughed.

"Yeah, why not? Are you afraid?" he mocked.

"Not even a little bit" she joked "What do you suggest?"

"Okay, If I win, I'll get to try out your A-Wing as many times as I want"

"And if I win?" Mars asked curiously.

"Let's see" Poe hesitated "I'll be in charge of your recruits for five days"

"Sounds tempting" she bit her lip "Looks like we have a deal"

They shook hands and practically ran to their ships.

"It's Commander Dameron and Lieutenant Willet. We're asking to do a quick test to our ships" Poe said firmly.

"You're trying to do a race, aren't you, Dameron?" The person from the base sighed "Alright, you are allowed, but if someone asks, I had nothing to do with it"

"Yes, sir" Mars laughed "The rules are simple, Poe, we give the base a round and who ever gets here first wins"

"Yes, ma'am" he chuckled.

To be fair, it was quite a complicated race. There was Poe, who was one of the best pilots in the whole Galaxy; and in the other hand was Mars, who could easily use her skills with the Force. At the end of what seemed like just a minute, it turned to be a tie.

"You wanna go for another round?"  Poe asked excited.

"If we go for another one, we'll never end" she said with a smile.

"Okay, do you want me to companion you to your quarter?" Poe questioned, while walking to Mars.

"Sure, why not?" She shrugged.

They talked a bit more in their way, but both of them were tired as well.

Mars typed her code, and the door slied open, before taking off the jacket and giving it back to Poe "Here you go, and I had a lot of fun tonight "

"I'm glad to hear that" Poe smiled "me too"

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow"

"Goodnight, Mars"

"Goodnight, Poe" she said before pressing a small kiss in his cheek, and closing the door.

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