Part IV

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Ben laid restless at night. Usually, he would walk into Mars's room and crawl to her bed. But, he had to keep her away from this, she was too good for this. What if she joined him? They could be together after all... Maybe the idea wasn't that bad, was it? Ben got distracted from his thoughts when he heard a knock in the door, followed by a voice.

"Ben" Mars called "It's me, may I come in?"

"What is it?" Ben answered, trying to play sleep.

"May I come in?" she repeated frustrated.

"What is it?" He asked "I believe you're capable of telling me what you need from outside"

Marceline rolled her eyes, and opened the door "That door was locked" Ben added.

"I know" she walked over to the edge of his bed, and sat down "I need to talk to you"


"You know very well about what" she hissed.

Ben felt nervous. She knew? "Could you be more specific?"

"Why have you been avoiding me?" she sighed "You never talk to me anymore"

"I haven't been avoiding you" he lied "Maybe you just feel it that way"

Mars couldn't believe it "Alright" She stand up "Good night then" she gave him a peck in the lips, and walked out of the room; she was feeling annoyed, hopeless, and the feeling of tears in her eyes was stronger when she entered her room. Maybe it was just a matter of time. She closed her eyes, and decided she would find a solution in the morning.


When Mars opened her eyes, it was drizzling and it wasn't the morning sky, either. She overslept, and probably lost the whole training. Marceline rushed to get her robe and saber; she was going to get a scold from Mara.

When she walked into the main temple it was empty, Mars couldn't find Mara or Luke. The sound of blasters and sabers were heard. Mar's heart started to pound, something was telling there was danger. Ben. She was scared he could be in trouble or hurt! Without thinking, Marceline took her saber out of her belt, and ran to where she heard the noises. Suddenly, she couldn't believe what her eyes were witnessing ; padawan's were fighting against masked men. Her saber light up her face as she swung it swiftly before leaving a slash across one of the men's armour, making him fall dead. Marceline had never killed anyone before, but she didn't stop fighting them. When she looked around, she saw nothing but corpses of the people she once called friends.

"Ben!" she shouted as loud as she could, somehow the rain would carry her voice away "Ben!" Raindrops landed in her eyelashes, causing her sight to blur.

A figure emerged from the shadows, followed for more of the masked men they have been fighting. It was wearing a black suit and a mask, his voice was robotic, but Marceline knew who's voice was "Ben?"

The figure looked at her "Ben does not longer exists" he stepped closer to her "My name is Kylo Ren, master of the knights of Ren"

She gasped, with her weapon still in her hand "Ben, please, that's not you! Stop this!" she begged "This must be a nightmare!"

"Why do you resist to believe it?" Kylo asked her, clear annoyance in his voice "This is destiny, Marceline! You can't stop it!

"This isn't destiny! This is madness!" She walked closer to him "Ben, please..."

"That's not my name!" Kylo took out his saber, the same saber she was used to see, but now it was bright red and quite broken "Don't make me use it against you"

"You already did!" she yelled "How could you do this to our masters-"

"Your masters" he cut her off "Those weak, insignificant and miserable people you call masters, know nothing! I have seen things, Marceline, things only the wise and powerful are able to see!"

Before she could reply, Mara ran to her "You must end this, Ben!" Mara called "It's for your own good!"

"I was about to" Kylo said before attacking Mara, his saber crashed against hers.

Marceline fought against three masked men, without the force, she couldn't have fight them. Marceline fell down, taking as an advantage, one of the men hurt her arm. She didn't pay attention to the pain, and stand up as fast as she could, placing her saber in her opponent's chest. When Marceline was finished, she decided to help Mara. To get Ren's attention, she slashed a piece of his cape. He turned around furiously, lifting a hand he send Mara flying through the air "Weak" Kylo whispered.

"It's now you and me" She shouted, as she placed her hair out of her face.

"This isn't your fight" He didn't wanted to hurt her. Even in his mask and armour, he still loved her.

"Then you should have thought it twice" she said walking to him. Her eyes went wide when she saw Mara behind him, ready to strike him any time. Suddenly, he turned around and crashed his saber in her abdomen "Like I said, weak" Kylo spitted out.

"No! No!" Marceline yelled and ran to catch Mara before she fell.

"What have you done?!" Luke shouted from across.

"Something I should have done a long time ago" Kylo said while walking to Luke. After a few minutes, they were out of sight.

Marceline carried Mara to one of the halls, she took her robe off and placed her master gently on it, setting her on the floor "I would stop the bleeding, master, I promise" she breathed.

"It's too late, Mars, you did what you could" Mara whispered placing her hand in hers "My saber, I want you to keep it. Hide while you still can, the force will guide you" Marceline nodded "There's an A-Wing in one of the tunnels, it's old, but you can make it work" Mara flinched in pain "I will be with you, always"

"I won't disappoint you master" Marceline sobbed.

"I know you won't" Mara smiled, placing her hand in her cheek and letting out her last breath. Mars kneeled to her master's lifeless body, sobbing uncontrollably.

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