Part XI

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Mars and Poe arrived to the canteen, ordered two drinks and sat a table in the corner. She wasn't really fond of liquor or any thing close to it, but this one wasn't that bad.

"Your last name's Dameron, right?" Mars asked while she looked around the place. Poe nodded "You look quite familiar to me, did we met before?"

"I would go with the 'your face is a face I would never forget', but I'm sure a pretty lady like you is used to it" He winked, making her blush madly.

"Seriously" she chuckled "Is Shara Bey something of yours? I believe she used to life in Yavin IV"

"Actually, she's my mother. I grew up there" Poe's eyes turned sad, even if he still had a smile on his face "I have a feeling that I have seen you before"

She didn't want to make Poe sadder, so Mars tried to let go the subject "Master Skywalker's academy was there. Probably we did see each other once"

"So you're a Jedi, then?" Poe raised his brow slightly.

"Yeah, I am, I guess" Mars took a sip of her drink. He gave her a confused look "Well, I finished my training, but not in the way I planned to"

"What happened?" After the words left Poe's mouth, he regretted.

"You've heard of the 'Jedi massacre'? Well, that was my last day as a padawan" Mars said with melancholy her voice "I had found my place, and the next thing I knew, was that everything was taken away from me"

"I'm sorry to hear that" Poe placed a hand in her back.

"Don't worry, It was good while it lasted" She sighed "Oh, shit! I must be so boring right now, please forgive me" Mars let out an embarrassed chuckle.

Poe thought it was funny how she would mix such formal words and swears; she seemed like a fun girl, just a little sad "Don't be, sometimes it's good to let out things like that"

She smiled warmly at him "Yeah, it is"

For a brief moment, Poe found hinself lost in Mars eyes. They were so rare, yet beautiful. "Have you finished your drink?" He asked her trying to sound casual.

"I'm on that" Mars placed the small glass in her lips, when they heard a voice from across the room.

"Dameron!" A man greeted as he walked towards their table, with another woman behind him.

Poe pulled two chairs to the table "Come sit with us!"

 "Hello" Mars smiled at them "I'm Mars"

"You're the famous princess we have heard about all week" The man said jockingly and shook her hand "Iolo Arana"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Karé Kun" Karé bowed her head slightly and sat next to her.

"They're part of my squadron" Poe said proudly before handing them their glasses.

"It's not as easy as it sounds" Iolo jocked "It's exhausting to be following him around all the time, this guy never rests"

Mars, Poe and Karé laughed. They spent hours jocking and talking, Mars found Iolo really funny, and Karé was funny as well.

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