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Mars scalated quite fast in different ranks after her training, right now she was Liuteinant Waint, Blue Leader. She felt really proud of her acomplishments and excited to let everybody know. Her uniform arrived at morning, earning compliments from BB-4. Mars admired it; she couldn't believe how fast everything was happening. Just a few months ago she was still freezing in Hoth, and now she was part of the Resistance.

"It looks great, doesn't it?" She murmured to BB-4 with a smile.

He beeped and rolled happy, following Mars to get breakfast. When they arrived to the table where her friends were, she stood in front of the table.

"Nice uniform!" Karé exclaimed.

"And you saved yourself from wearing orange" Iolo chuckled "Congratulations, kid"

"You're looking at Blue Leader, Liuteinant Willet, fellows" Mars smiled sitting next to Karé "And yes, orange is hideous"

"I'm really happy for you, Mars" Poe said with a grin "I just have a question: 'Willet'?"

"It used to be my grandmother's maiden name" Said Mars before taking a tray with food that BB-4 brought her "It's also quite an undercover thing"

"By the way, have you finished the A-Wing?" Iolo asked, stuffing his mouth with food.

"It's almost finished, but I don't know if I'm actually gonna fly it" Replied Mars.

"Why not?" Poe shrugged "You've been working hard in it"

"Yeah, why not?" Karé hit Mars shoulder playfully "At least give it a try"

"I'm going to think about it, though" Mars sighed.

They kept talking until their time had run up, and had to return to their duties. Mars was going to her first daily patrol as an official member of the Resistance, but when she was about to get in her ship, an officer told her General Organa was looking for her. Mars waited paciently outside the meeting room where she was.

"You wanted to see me, General?" She asked as soon as she walked in.

"Liuteinant, yes, I want to talk with you" The general said while taking a sit "I have a few news for you. The first one is a really important manner, but I want you to take your time to think about it"

"Alright..." Answered Mars.

"You might need to be transferred" Leia said, starting to tense "You've been of great help in the base, that's why some officers think you should be in charge of the Resistance operations in Coruscant"

"Coruscant?" Mars lifted her eyebrows in surprise and confusion "I don't want to sound rude, but what could I possibly do there? I'm a pilot now"

"But you're also an excellent warrior and leader" Leia added "It would give us a great advantage. Just think about it"

"Yes, General, I will" Mars replied.

"And in other hand, I think you will like better the other news" General Organa smiled.

"I'm afraid I don't completely understand" Mars said.

General Organa opened a door and watched her reaction with a wider smile, before leaving. Mars was speechless when she saw her brother standing in front of her.

"Hello, sister dear" He grinned and opened his arms.

"Eric!" Mars rushed to him. He took her in his arms and spinned her around.

"Look at you! You look so different!" Eric exclaimed excited "You're still a dwarf, but you're a beautiful dwarf. Even Lydia is taller than you!"

"Oh, shut up!" Mars laughed "You barely have a beard"

"There's something called shaving, you know" He chuckled.

"Before you continue with your crappy jokes" She said "What are you doing here?"

"We've been helping the Resistance with ships, troops, and large amounts of credits. Father sent me to see the progress, and, of course, you" He smiled.

"Well, in that case, I want to show you a few things" Said Mars with exciment.

They walked around the base, even if Mars wasn't as chatty as always, Eric enjoyed being with her.

"Have you seen our sister lately?" Mars asked.

"Lydia went three days ago, and stayed the night there, but nothing special" Eric made a small pause "She hasn't visit you, Marcy?"

"Well, no, but we send each other letters and all that stuff" Mars shrugged "You know I'm not that fond of holograms, and besides, her husband 'whatever his name is' can't know I'm here"

"His name is Viktor" Eric said mockingly "But I most admit you're right"

They were walking to the hangar, when they ran in to Poe.

" Hi!" Mars greeted.

"Hey, Mars" Poe said quite awkwardly.

Eric glanced at Poe quickly up and down "Marcy?" He cleared his throat.

"Oh, sorry. Poe this is my brother Eric" She said signing slightly at her brother "Eric, this is my friend Poe"

Poe shook Eric's hand "Your highness"

"Commander Dameron" Eric said coldly.

"I have to go, I guess I'll see you later. Your highness" Said Poe before walking away.


"See ya" Mars waved. When Poe was out sight, she asked Eric "What was that?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You were rude with him" She lifted an eyebrow "And I can tell that easily"

"Come one, it wasn't such a big deal" He shrugged "I was just being me"

"Being you?" Mars laughed "Then brother dearest, let me break it for you: you're a bitch"

Eric gave her a fake dead glare, which faded quickly, replacing it with a chuckle that turned to a loud laugh.

They finished their little tour with Mars showing Eric the A-Wing and BB-4. Even if she wanted him to stay longer she knew he couldn't.

"Please tell mamma, pappa and Lydia that I love them, and miss them" Mars hugged Eric tightly "I hope we see each other soon"

"We will, Marcy" He breathed, and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead, before walking to his ship.

She waved a sorrowful 'bye' and walked to the inside of the base.

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