chapter 8: will it be forgotten?

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I went down stairs, I hope that Daniel didn't see me go outside, I didn't want anymore problems. Sure enough right before I opened the door, I hear someone say "daisy where you going". I turned back and saw Daniel. I didn't want him to say anything about Alan, the first thing I could do was lie...but then later he might hate me for it. "I'm gonna go outside and get some fresh air you know.." I told him as I turned for the door. "Hmm sure you are, your probably gonna go outside hoping to see that fuckboi Alan kid" he said in a strong voice. I couldn't deny it, it was half true...I was going to see Alan. I looked down, before I could say anything he continued with "you know what, fuck it its your chose to screw it up with that fuckboi". He wasn't all wrong, Alan could be a fuckboi... But there was this part deep down inside hoping this was all a dream, a nightmare. I didn't say anything to Daniel,mainly because he had just walked off..anyways I wasn't in the mood for any bull shit today. I open the door, I see Alan sitting down in the steps that lead into the front porch. He looks up, "come and sit down daisy" he says. I gave him a half smile and sat down...the farthest from him. "Are you allergic to me now?" He said laughing. I gave him a fake laugh,then went back to my serious face. "Ok so what do you need to explain?" I asked him,still keeping my serious look. "Ok well first, I love you daisy...I know its been a short time but I truly do,your so special to....I just can't explain how you make me feel" he said, as his cheeks turned pink. Was he actually nervous? I tried to keep that serious look on my face, I just couldn't...his words, they made me blush. By now I was probably looking like a tomatoe, bright red. I smiled as I tried to cover my bright red face with my sleeves. "Second this is, that girl is my ex...and I ended things with her, and I'm guessing she still has feeling for me" he said. "How do I know your telling the truth?" I asked him. "I kinda knew you were gonna say that" he said smiling. He quickly continued "ok so look luckily I didn't delete any messages and these are when I ended things with her, and this says why" he a convincing voice. I couldn't forgive him that easily, there was still a chance he could be lying. "Ok look Alan, I'm not saying I ain't believing you, its just I need to give it time" I told him,looking him in the eyes. "Can I ask you something?" He said as he scooted closer. "Sure que paso?" I said giving him a smile. "Did you ever really like me, and if you you still like me?" He said,still looking me in the eyes. Did I like him? Yesss of coarse I did! "Yeah I actually do Alan, just that let's give it time now you know it might be to early, and you need to give you and your ex or whatever she is time" I said. "Time for what? Me and her are through...there was things she was doing that I didn't like" he said as he looked to stare at my hands. "Well ok how long has it been since y'all were over?" I asked. "3 weeks..." He said. 3 weeks wasn't too long,but not to short of a time. "Ok well look she might of not gotten things straight" I say to him. I felt like I was staring deep into his soul. "Or maybe she couldn't get over the fact I dumped her and wanted to sabotaged my relation ship with you" he said. Well that sounded crazy,but it could be true. "Ok so are we cool daisy?" He asked me. "Yeah Alan,we cool" I answered back. "So now that were not a thing what are we gonna be?" He told me, as he stared me in the eyes. I couldn't handle when he stared at me in the eyes, he just looked so hot, it was like irresistible to look away. "Let's be friends, close friends" I told him as I curled up my legs close to mg chest. I felt cold, this was the way for me to stay the warmest. "Are you cold? are huh" he said as he put a smile on his face. Before I could say anything he took off his black hoodie. "Here, put it on, you'll be warmer" he said as he handed me the sweater. I felt bad for leaving him without a sweater, in the cold. "Are you sure you don't want me to give you your sweater back?" I asked him. "No its alright,that's what friends are for que no?" He said as he winked. I felt myself melting...I would not be surprised if I started dripping or smudged all over the floor. I laughed and then said "Alan you wanna go inside? I don't want you to get sick". "Sure why not" he said as he started getting up. We walked to the door, I opened it and saw that everyone was in the living room. They were playing video games. I hoped that Daniel wouldn't see me and Alan. Sure enough he did...he didn't say anything he just looked away. Me and Alan sat on the floor. We watched as everyone played video games. I must have been really tired because I didn't even notice when I fell asleep. I woke up about 20 minutes later, everyone was still in the living room. I woke up to strong smell. It was Alan's Cologne, and I was laying on his chest, he held his arm around me. I wanted to get out of that position, but in a way it felt comfortable.

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