The One That Got Away

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Yes, you did leave me broken
With all the words left unspoken
I tried to mend myself back
But there is no such thing as luck

So many words, I want to say
"Please, just love me, and stay."
"I will forgive all the wrongs you had done"
"Yes, because I believe that you're the one."

Stupid stupid words,
Just one hello, and it hit my heart like swords.
He was not the one that needs forgiveness
I am the one who needs justice

I should be the one forgiving myself
Of not opening my eyes, and playing deaf
Of all your little games and little white lies
Because somehow, I always fell for your eyes.

You could've been my only prince charming
Live in our castle, and have our own happy ending
But you, you chose not to stay,
Now you're known as, the one that got away.

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