This Boy

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There was this boy

Who was always teased

Going home early

Was what made him pleased

He will quickly run when the bus stops

And bullies will all laugh

I must admit I'm one of them

I didn't know he's handling something tough

Yes I laugh, but I also wonder

Why does he always run like that?

But I guess, it doesn't matter

Yet answers were what I sought

I asked some people why

And they said he was just making sure

That his sister won't commit suicide

And at that moment, my heart was torn.

I wanted to know how he was

I wanted to compliment him for being brave

He was truly a superman

His sister he's trying to save

One day... He didn't show up

Until a month passed by,

But today he's finally here

A breath of relief, I sighed

I stared at him at the bus

But how he acts was unlike before

His eyes looked dull, his skin was pale

But then... He didn't run anymore.


I've read a story about this boy... And yeah, I don't know if it's true but I made a poem about it. It's truly heartbreaking, I must say.

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