Search For Destiny

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Sometimes I wonder why I'm still breathing
I wonder what I am for
My purpose in this world,
I can't quite see
I don't know what life
Is in store for me.

Sometimes, I can't see my value
My worth seems invisible
I don't know where to put myself
Or what I should be doing
I don't know why
But I can't push away this feeling

I don't know where I belong
Or do I even belong?
I don't know who I am
Or who am I supposed to be

But that's what life is, right?
Finding yourself.
It may be hard, but it's never a bore
And then when time comes,
You won't feel lost anymore.

Sooner, I would say.
Someday, I'll find the real me.
But now, I'll remain a lost princess
Still in search for her destiny

Naive GirlWhere stories live. Discover now