A Prayer

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I love how the rain sounds
After the blazing sun took a rest
The aroma of the black coffee
And the smell of smores are the best

The footsteps of our grandchildren
All their yawns sent me in awe
As they listen to your stories about us
When stealing my heart is not against the law

I smiled how you carried them to bed
And left them with hugs and kisses
Now it's my turn to give it to you
Wait til I finish washing the dishes

Now, the gray streaks of our hair are already showing out
But our love remained colorful, never grows old
Kissing you, hugging you, I'll never get tired
Never ever, even until our last story is told.

All these years, I never thought life would be this good
A 360degree turn, all are unlike before
Those days, I still remember how I suffer and pained
I still remember how everything I had now, was only a prayer.

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