Pillow fighT

368 79 77

My Apple cruncH..

update day after day..


Author takes a deep breath and yells at the fish market her characters are making.


Ibrahim: Mam what happen

Me: nothing I just don't want to see u around for 2-3 chaps.. so go.. you're free

Ibrahim: but why young lady

Me: (shouts) coz you're being Mr.darcy all the way.. and Amna what the he'll are you doing? Come out of the shinchan mode now.

(Amna is sitting in a corner pacing back n forth drawing circles with her finger on the floor)

Amna: what.. I'm feeling sad.. I don't know why?

Me: spot boy get her a ice cream tumbler..

Amna: thanx

Me: let's get to work guys I want Amna And Hussain for this chappie... others get lost..

(Goes and sits on the throne)
Me: readers don't look me like that.. o.O..
I'm my dad's Lil princess, so a throne is a must for me!



¤Time jump to February ¤

Amna was in het room Sitting on Mr.sexy..
Dirty mind's don't remember Mr.sexy?
Wallahi her bed.... ;)

Amna's pov

Soon I'll be graduating in one month... then I'll be go job hunting..
After a year I don't know where we'll be..
Edward is moving to another state for further studies..
Same with Alex, Afzal even got a job at some business firm, he'll join after graduation.

Time flies so fast..
It was like a week before when I met Alexandra...
naah Alex ☺
Our friendship has strengthen more & more over time...

Afzal.. although I know him from 6-7 months we've became best friends... he's so good, humble in short a gentleman but I've to admit he has changed with Ed.. Both are way crazy.. well who cannot be when they're with him.. hahahh..
Edward on the other hand is acting suspicious..

Why am I sounding so senti.. maybe I've gone mental..
Haha Sentimental!

I may be sentimentallll,
But don't be so judgementalll,
For I'm an
old school..old school

Bakwas song..

Told ya my minds not working properly.

Lala lala lala. ..

*slaps her face &shakes it repeatedly *

I'm refreshed...

So where was I..hmm.. don't remember now.. let's start with some gossiping.

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