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My wonkabars

New day,
New update,
New surprises


After fajr salah as usual I was up for jog..
As always when I'm thinking hard I end up jogging far away..

I sat on the nearby bench, totally exhausted... pulling out my phone from my hoodie pocket, once again I dialled afzal's number.

"Assalamalaikum this is afzal, I'm busy.. so please leave a message if you want.. or don't"

I smiled at the last word. What would I get other than a voice mail again.. 😳

Lesson learned:
Never expect..
Expectations hurt.

"Walaikum assalam.. This is the 100th time I'm asking..
Afzal where r u? We've been searching for u for almost 20 days... at least leave a message yaar.. hope u r fine"

After a small pause, I continued

"I'm getting married this Friday I don't hope you'll be there cuz you have to be there... If you don't come I promise I'll never talk to you Let alone see your face."

taking another pause, I breathed a sigh and murmured in an inaudible voice

"I wish at least u hear this voicemail.. 😔😔
Allah hafiz"

I stood up to catch what I left..


I pushed open the door panting heavily...

"Assalamalaikum mini"

"Walaikum assalam dad"


"I'd love to"
After washing my hands I sat next to him, spreading jam to a slice of bread..
I'm not a Nutella person whereas Ed can eat the whole bottle.
Just as I was about to bite in mama entered.
I knew what was coming,
As she opened her mouth,
I gestured her with my index finger and said


instead of arguing as I always do with her, I dropped the bread slice.. and started to go up to my room..

Yea yea..although I was dying of malnutrition i did that

I'm already depressed, I don't want another thing..
Im trying so much but nothing is refreshing my mind..
seriously Mr.Brain need a psychiatrist, he isn't behaving his usual way.

I turned around to head upstairs And the doorbell rang...

"I'll get it" I announced.

I knew only Ed will crash down this early, so I opened the door without looking and swayed my hand motioning to enter.

"Mini you wouldn't even greet a Salam? That's not the way to treat your sister"

My eyes widened at the voice, I turned to look and yes she's really here. Without thinking I pounced upon her in a bone fracturing hug which she gladly returned...

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