Chapter 2: The Tavern

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******* Annika

I played the hem of my dress as I sat at the bar with Hannah waiting for Kaden to show up. I took a drink of the beer that was in my hand and listened to the music that over flowed around the crowd. Not many people were here, just the regulars that I could remember. "Well, well, if it isn't Annika Sharp." My skin crawled as Craig Hobble came strutting over.

"Is he still the pig I remember?" I asked Hannah as she nodded slowly and I groaned turning I my seat with a fake smile. "Craig."

"So, you haven't forgotten about me?" He flipped his long, unkept hair back and it made me cover a scowl with a drink of my beer. Rowland had long blonde hair but it was well kept and nothing like Craig's. Craig was creepy, beyond creepy, and was a sleeze.

"I had the chicken pox and I still remember that." I shrugged and Craig's strained laughter made me shift in my seat uncomfortably. "Look, Hobble, I'm waiting for a friend and you ain't him so..."

"Well hold up, I just wanted to see how you've been." He leaned in a tiny bit closer and Hannah glared at him. "I've been doing great, running for mayor again this term."

"I don't care," I rolled my eyes as I took another drink of my beer. "Please, leave."

"Oh, come on, I just wanna get to know you better." Craig's eyes grazed down my body, I suddenly felt uncomfortable in my red and black plaid shirt dress and black high heels.

"Well, I don't want to get to know you." I stood with Hannah but Craig gripped my wrist and spun me to him. "Get off." I growled but he didn't listen, he was exactly how I remember.

"Craig, get off of her." Hannah tried to pull me from his grip but it wasn't successful.

"Craig," the bartender started but Craig shot him a dirty look.

"Can it, Howie," Craig threatened. "Or I'll get you fired." He turned back to me. "Now, how about we get out of here to catch up?"

"Or you can get off of her before I beat your ass into oblivion, Hobble?" The deep, sexy voice of Rowland Baker gripped my heart and settled in my bones. I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist and pull me from Craig's hard grasp with ease. I knew it was Rowland as his natural scent wrapped around me. I was pulled against his hard chest and I melted into him.

"Baker," Craig sneered and it didn't take a genius to figure out they hated each other, although everyone here knew that. Ever since Rowland beat Craig for head quarterback in high school, he's loathed Rowland and Rowland never took any of Craig's bullshit. "Why is it you show up at the most inappropriate times?"

"Why is it that you don't seem to understand the word no?" Rowland growled as his grip tightened around my waist.

"Calm down, Rowland, I was just getting to know an old friend." Craig eyed me and it took everything in my not to gag in front of him.

"Well, it looks like she doesn't want to get to know you." Rowland had a warning to his deep voice and Craig just gave a smile, holding his hands up in surrender.

"I'll let you guys get back to your night." Craig turned to leave but he stopped. "Let me ask, Baker, do you think she'll accept you after she finds out what you did?"

"Leave," Rowland gritted out through his teeth and Craig shrugged at him.

"I'll guess we'll find out." With that he disappeared out of The Tavern and Rowland let go of my waist. What did Craig mean?

"Are you okay, sweety?" Hannah asked as she looked at my face. I looked at Rowland who ran a hand through his hair but he was looking at the floor and not at me.

"Yea," I sighed as Kaden studied me closely.

"You sure, sport?" Kaden asked and I nodded, letting out a shaky breath.

"Yea, I'll be fine." I gave a weak smile as Hannah took my bruising wrist in her hand and asked for ice from Howie.

"That bastard." I heard Rowland hiss as he looked at my wrist before Hannah could place the ice on it.

"I'm fine guys, seriously." I huffed as Rowland took my hand in his calloused one then he began rubbing my wrist in small, tender circles. "I'm fine, Row." I whispered and his bright blue eyes met mine.

"Okay, do you two need a minute." Hannah chuckled and Kaden snickered, they broke whatever moment we were in as Rowland stood.

"Take care of her," Rowland ordered his brother and Hannah as he left The Tavern. I suddenly felt lost without Rowland holding me close to him.

"I'll go check on him," Kaden sighed as he ran after his brother.

"Come on," Hannah sighed. "I think you deserve a drink."


"Yo, dude, wait up!" I heard Kaden say as he ran to me before I got into my black truck. "What was that about?"

"I don't know what you mean." I shrugged it off as I leaned against my truck.

"Bullshit," Kaden scoffed as he looked at me. "I can tell when you like someone and you like Annika. Why aren't you taken advantage of the fact that she likes you too?"

"She deserves someone better than me, Kay, and you know that." I sighed and Kaden shook his head.

"You know that's not true." He slapped me on the shoulder. "She'll understand."

"I gotta go, Kaden." I started to get into my truck. "Just make sure Hobble doesn't come near her tonight." And with that I got into my truck and cursed myself all the way back to the ranch.

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