Chapter 21: News and Another Farewell

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I walked into Milo's Restaurant and found my mother already sitting with Kaden. I had dropped Annika off at her house a few hours ago and since then I worked at the farm. "Hey, momma." I kissed her cheek then sat next to my brother. Duke had left a week ago, his school needing him back or something.

"How are my boys?" My mother smiled and Kaden shrugged.

"Momma," he cleared his throat as we ordered food. "What's going on?" Last time she called us together it was about my father.

"I wanted to tell you boys in person." She sighed as she took a sip of water. "I already told your brother and have everything settled."

"Settled?" Kaden looked at me but I was just as confused as he was. I stayed silent through this and she seemed like she was having a hard time with her news.

"I'm leaving Brook Field," my mother said calmly but both my brother and I didn't respond calmly.

"What!?!?" Kaden practically screamed and my mother shook her head. "Why?"

"Yea, momma," I spoke for the first time since I arrived. "Why would you wanna leave? We're here, papa's buried here..."

"Listen," she took a breath. "Rowland you need the ranch to yourself. I need a place that is slow paced and away from the small town chatter. I've lived my whole life here, I need a change. When your father passed I promised myself I'd change my life and I plan to keep that promise. I'm going to take a road trip across America, maybe go see national monuments. I need this for myself."

"Momma," Kaden ran a hand through his hair. "This... this is crazy. Brook Field is your home. This is where you belong. With me and Rowland..."

"You should go," I piped up and both liked at me like I grew a second head. "It's selfish to keep you here. You deserve to treat yourself. Hell, after everything that's happened..." Kaden looked to the floor, knowing what I was referring to. "You deserve peace, Momma, and if traveling gives you peace then you should do it." My mother smiled, tears coming to her eyes as she kissed my cheek.

"Thank you," she seemed relieved and after a moment Kaden caved, realizing what I said was true. It was official- my mother was leaving Brook Field


"How have you two not screwed?" Hannah asked dumbfounded as she put another box on top of the one she set in the corner before hand.

"Not everything involves sex, Han." I rolled my eyes as my friend blew a piece of her hair out of her face.

"I know that," she shrugged.

"Plus, Rowland and I are just figuring out if we work well as a couple." She rolled her eyes at me, smiling slightly.

"Sweetie," she put a hand on my shoulder. "Everyone knows how great of a couple you'll be. Hell, the whole towns been routing for this since you got back."

"You're over exaggerating." She laughed and I blushed a bright pink.

"Don't worry," she turned and starting putting her kitchen ware in a box. "You're the "it" couple at the moment."

"Well..." I hugged. "The whole towns wanted you and Kaden together since grade school." I smiled and she stilled, her face turning bright red. "What happened?" I asked, taking the plate from her hand and forcing her to look at me.

"Nothing," she looked at the floor.

"Bullshit," I chuckled. "You're a horrible liar." She stuck her tongue out at me before we both slumped to her couch.

"It doesn't matter," she sighed. "I'm leaving and he's... stubborn as hell."

"Why does any of this matter?" I asked, my friend wiping a tear from her cheek.

"He came over yesterday," she closed her eyes and leaned back. "He tried convincing me to stay. Yelled at me and said I was being selfish. Said that Brook Field was my home and he didn't want me to leave."

"That's not fair of him at all," I grew angry at my friend. Hannah has been waiting for this day since she was five, Kaden should've supported her. Not made her feel like shit. "I'm gonna ring that bastards neck."

"No!" Hannah gripped my hands. "Please, don't." She shook her head, "he kissed me, Anni. Pulled me into an all consuming kiss."

"I can relate," I muttered accidentally, making me slap a hand over my mouth. Hannah laughed and smiled at me.

"He wanted me to stay because he loved me," she gulped. "He said that he loved me and he needed me in his life."

"What did you say?" I asked and she stood, pacing the floor.

"I yelled at him," she ran a hand over her face. "Said that he should've told me sooner. Said that he was being a selfish asshole. Said that it wasn't fair that I had to give up everything and that he didn't have to give up shit."

"That's all true," I stated.

"I didn't say it back." She slumped to the floor, crying fully now. "I got so angry that I kicked him out. I didn't say it back..." I curled up next to my best friend, wrapping my arms around her as she cried. "What the hell is wrong with me, Anni? It feels like my heart has been torn in two and I can't fix it."

"Hey," I made her look at me, wiping the tears off her rosy cheeks. "Now you listen to me, there is nothing wrong with you. And it's gonna hurt, hurt like hell, but you need to go and try this. You need to go on this adventure and show everyone what I've known all along. That you're an amazing performer and that you deserve this break. Kaden can either support you or go fuck himself. You love him and he loves you, but if he's not willing to follow to Hell and back then he isn't worth it."

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