Chapter 14: After School

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I inhaled the familiar scent of acrylic paint and a smile instantly lit up my face. With everything that happened over the weekend I was happy to start school. I needed a distraction from my life, I needed to teach art. I unbuttoned my blazer when kids began to walk in for class. "Hello, class," I started after the bell rang. "Please call me, Miss Annika. Before I start I'd like to get to know you guys. And not in the traditional, going around the room way." I smiled as everyone glanced at each other expectedly. "Now, unfortunately for some there is homework involved, which won't happen often. I want you all to create a collage describing who it is you are right now, at this point on a time line. What makes you, you. This will need basic pictures and a brief explanation which you will share with the class. I will be doing this project as well." Half the class groaned while the other smiled happily. "Let's get started."


I sat in my comfy, black shorts and my dark purple, long sleeved sweater as I tapped on my bottom lip with the tip of my pencil. It was getting harder to make this collage when my life spent in Australia was spent in between classes and prison. Just the memory of visiting my father made me sick to me stomach. There was a knock at my front door and I stood, taking a sip of my wine, before walking to the dark oak panel. "Rowland? What are you doing here?"

"Your mom was worried about you and asked if me or one of my brothers could come check in on you." Rowland rubbed the back of his neck instead of running his hand through his blonde hair, considering it was in a pony tail.

"Oh," I stood there awkwardly, not sure what to do. "Oh, right, come on in." I stepped out of his way and he walked passed me, his spicy scent wrapping around me like a protective blanket. "I, uh, was just doing a project." I shut the door and walked to the dining table where Rowland stood, looking at the photos on my collage so far. "Beer or wine?"

"I'll take a beer," he sighed, his eyes never leaving to table. I walked to the kitchen, grabbed a beer, popped the top, and walked back in to hand it to him. "Thanks, Annika." He excepted the drink and his fingers touched mike, electricity shot up my arm and I sucked in a breath.

"You're," I cleared my throat and hid it with a smile. "Welcome." He broke eye contact first, picking up a picture with his free hand.

"I remember this," he whispered. I looked and it was his graduation party. Everyone looked happy, everyone but me. "Come to think of it, I remember distinctly that we got into a huge fight and you threw..."

"A pillow at you," I chuckled with a smile. "Yea, not my finest moment."

"Maybe not," he shrugged taking a sip of his drink. "But it sure was funny." There was a long silence as I sat with my legs under me and he looked down at the board. "There's not a lot about Australia."

"Oh," I winced, he just had to bring that up. "Well, most of it was school and the other half was hanging with Dawn and Bobby." I had pictures of them and it made me smile but it was short lived.

"Where's your dad?" He looked at me and I looked at my fidgeting hands in my lap, unable to meet his piercing gaze. "Annika?" He lifted my chin and I hadn't realized I was crying until he set his beer on the table, crouching to my level. He wiped a tear of my cheek, "What happened, little Annika."

"My dad," I sighed, biting my lip nervously. "He wasn't around much. He, uh," Geez this was hard. I didn't realize it would be this hard to talk about.

"You don't have to tell me, Annika." He assured, tracing little circles on my cheek.

"Can we talk about something else?" I pleaded and he gave a gentle smile.

"Anything to make you stop crying." He whispered, "I hate seeing you cry."

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked and he smiled, showing all his perfect white teeth.

"Of course," he took my hands and brought me to my feet. "As long as your movie selections haven't changed to something really frilly." I chuckled at this and he sat on the couch while I put in one of my favorites.

"Hope Nightmare on Elm Street is okay." I shrugged and he laughed out loud.

"That's perfect, little Annika." I smiled and walked to where he sat, pulling my legs under me and taking my wine glass in my hand. He pulled me into him and sighed, making my hide my smile with a sip of wine. "I'm always going to be here for you, Annika. When you're ready to talk."

"I know," I leaned my head on his shoulder and shut my eyes for a minute taking a deep breath. "I know."


The movie had ended a half hour ago but I just didn't have it in me to move. Annika had fallen asleep on my arm and it just felt so good to have her there. I sighed, wishing I could be with her. Wishing that she would understand, if she would even listen. I wanted to tell her, tell her about what happened and I was willing to take a risk. But then I had to go and fuck it up... "What the hell is wrong with me?" I whispered out loud, tucking a strand of her black hair behind her ear. Unfortunately I had an early day tomorrow and I picked up Annika as I stood. I walked up the stairs and saw only one room that was fully unpacked. I picked that one to lay her down, tucking her underneath the bluish comforter. I brushed her hair out of her face and kissed the top of her head, she twisted in her sleep. "I'm not sure how much longer I can be just your friend, little Annika."

He didn't want to be my friend... Rowland Baker didn't want to be my friend! I sat at my desk, confused as hell and wanting the bell to ring. I needed to talk to Rowland, it was eating me up inside for the past three days. He wasn't in town because he went on business, again. I looked out the window and the rain blurred my view of the football field, "Miss Sharp?"

"Yes, Katie?" I looked at one of the students who actually liked my class and smiled. Katie Holmes was very quiet and shy but knew how to impress when it came to art.

"I had a question about the windows for the building I'm drawing." She came up to my desk and I looked over her paper.

"Alright," I chewed on the inside of my cheek, a bad habit I've noticed. "You want the left line to be straight with this vantage point and same with the right line but with this vantage point. Then do some cross hatching in one corner of each. It'll give it that authentic look."

"Thanks," she smiled happily at me before walking back to her seat. A few moments later the bell rang, shifting the kids attention to their activities after school and not cleaning up my room. I shook my head before fixing up a little, which took more like a few hours when I sat to start grading projects. I was placing the chairs on the tables when a little knock came at the door.

"Rowland?" I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. He was drenched from head to toe, "What are you doing here? I thought you wouldn't be back until tomorrow?" He looked- defeated. As if there was no more life in his strong blue eyes. "Everything okay?"

"No," he inhaled sharply and I stood, walking towards him. "You're going to hate me." He stated, emotionless as he looked at the floor.

"I could never hate you, Row." I placed my hand on his cheek and he shivered, either from the cold or my touch, I couldn't tell.

"He's dead," Rowland whispered and I stilled. "I killed him, Annika."

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