Chapter 3: Old Friends

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I woke to a pounding on my front door and I groaned, pulling myself out of bed. I opened the door and was instantly wrapped in a bone crushing hug. "Hey, Hunchback." Duke Baker chuckled as he set me back down on the ground. "Damn, Kaden was right."

"Right about what?" I tilted my head and he chuckled.

"That you weren't so little anymore." My cheeks flushed instantly and Duke laughed out loud. "It also explains why Rowland's been acting so weird." He walked into my house and straight for the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" I followed him and didn't protest as he got out ingredients to make breakfast. Duke was an amazing cook and was currently in culinary school in New York City. Why was he back? It wasn't because of me that I was sure of.

"Oh, nothing really." He shrugged as he put the stove on. "How about I make you my world famous five cheese omelette with a side of cooked ham and my apple crisp dipping sauce?"

"I think that's an amazing idea." I smiled but walked to stand right in front of him. He had gotten taller and bigger in size but fear flashed in his blue eyes. "And I have an idea that matches yours. Wanna hear it?" I didn't give him a chance to answer as I gripped his ear painfully. "You're gonna tell me what you're talking about with Rowland or I'll castrate you, Duke Casey Baker."

"Okay, ow, okay." He winced, "just let go." I released his ear and sat on the stool at the island as he continued to cook. "Rowland's been on edge since you've been back and it's only been a week. I asked him what was going on he practically threw me up against a wall and told me to mind my own business." I gave him a hard look and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay, he didn't throw me up against a wall. Anyway, according to Kay, he's been trying to avoid you."

"Me?" I scrunched my nose in confusion. "What did I do?"

"Seriously?" He gave me a look as he put a golden omelette on a plate then started to make another one, stirring a red liquid and flipping the ham at the same time. "You grew up and look like that, Anni." I looked down at the tank top and black shorts I was wearing and ran a hand through my tangled hair.

"I don't see your point." I shrugged looking up at him.

"Geez, women," he set a plate in front of me and I glared at him. "He's attracted to you, dumb ass."

"Rowland? Attracted to me?" I lost the ability to breath.

"Yep," he shrugged taking a bit of his breakfast. "He wants you and bad, but of course, big bro isn't gonna do a damn thing about it. Something about you deserving better... I don't know." I couldn't breath and I felt my skin grow hot. I grabbed the cold glass of water that Duke placed in front of me and drank it down in four large gulps.

"Can we talk about something else?" I stated, my voice strained and I tucked my legs under me. "How's New York? Why are you back?" He stopped mid bite as stared at me.

"No one told you?" I tilted my head and shook it. Told me what? "Annika, my dad..." His voice wavered and my heart pounded in my chest. "He died a few weeks ago."

"Oh my... I'm so sorry, Dukie." I stood and wrapped my friend into a tight hug that he returned.

"It's alright, Anni." He sighed as we separated. "He had been in a lot of pain due to the cancer. He's better now."

"It still sucks," I sighed as I sat next to him. "How about you tell me all about New York? Meet anyone?"

"Well..." He started and I grinned.

"Name, now!" I insisted and he chuckled.

"Her name is Sarah, she's amazing, Anni." He shook his head. "But she keeps dating this ass hole that cheats on her and to say I've been friend zoned would be an understatement."

"Wait, hold on." I sat up straight. "Where's the cocky- 'I can get any girl I want' Duke Baker I grew up with?"

"She's different, Anni." He shook his head. "I really like her."

"Well then get off your sorry ass and fight for her, cowboy." He let out a laugh as I smiled, the mood definitely changed and I was glad it did.

"I'll take that under consideration." He smiled, "you'll have to come visit some time."

"I'd love to," I hip bumped him. "And I'll kick some sense into this Sarah chick for you."

"Ha!" He looked at me nervously. "Please don't."

"Okay," I groaned. "But if you don't make a move fast I'm gonna have to step in."

"Deal," he smiled then placed my plate back in front of me. "Now finish then get dressed, you're gonna help me with a special gift for my dearest, pain in the ass brother."

"Which one?" Right now I wanted to think over how to approach Rowland and going to see him now wouldn't help me any.

"Kaden, he's being a douche and it's payback time." He chuckled as he saw me visibly relax. "Calm down, we won't be running into Rowland for a few days. He went to take a mare up to another ranch for mating season. The derby's coming up and he has a deal with another ranch that his prized mare and their buck would produce a good offspring. He's gotta do it now before he loses money for her submission, he'll be putting your favorite horse in instead."

"Grinch is gonna race?" I smiled and felt giddy. "Can I come to the derby to see him race?"

"Of course, I'll take you." He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I laughed. "But only if you help me get revenge on my brother."

"As if there was even a question there." I rolled my eyes and he grinned from ear to ear as I took a bite of the ham that was dipped in the apple crisp sauce. "Damn, this is good."

"Did you have any doubts?" I shook my head and he gave an approving nod. It was good to have my old friend back, Kaden, Hannah, and I were trouble when you put us together but Duke and I were always good at talking to each other. Plus, he was afraid of me so that was a bonus. It was good to be home.

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