Chapter 18: Let's Make A Date

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"Alright, class, settle down." I sighed as the bell rang, signaling the final class of the day. My feet hurt tremendously and there was a few paint smears on my hands and arms. "Now, as all of you know the fall formal is coming up," the class roared with cheer and I couldn't stop the smile that came to my face. "Yes, very exciting. The principal had asked if some of the students in my classes could possibly help with the decor. If you want to volunteer there is a sign up sheet on the closet door."

"What's the theme this year?" Sabrina asked excitedly as she and some other girls leaned forward in their seats.

"Well, since it's so close to Halloween, they've decided to do a Nightmare on Elm Street theme." I leaned against my desk, my palms against the cold metal desk. "Costumes must be appropriate and they want the place to look more like the house from the movie." Everyone started to whisper, talking about what they were gonna dress up as or what to do for the house. "If you want to volunteer sign up now then get back to your drawings." They've been working of self portraits since last week and I've been thoroughly impressed. Now, not everyone's an artist but this class especially has some talent. A few of my students stood, walking to the closet and signed up while the rest continued to work. There was only five minutes left in class when I collected the sheets that were completed. Students talked and I started to grade the artwork. I was focused on the artwork that I hadn't noticed the door open until my students stood, "Good Afternoon." I looked up just as they sat back in their seats.

"Rowland?" I stood, walking over to where he stood. A lot of the girls practically swooned, my senior class was always more enthusiastic about male visitors. "What are you doing here?"

"I was gonna wait until class was over but I guess I'm a little early." He shrugged, his hands in his jean pockets.

"Wait for what?" I asked them noticed every eye on us. "Back to work, class isn't over yet." They instantly dropped their gazes and I tried not to laugh. "We can talk in the hall." We walked out, but I made sure I could still see into my class. "What's up?"

"I wanted to see how you're doing?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"You wanted to see how I was doing?" I raised an eyebrow at him and smiled. "I'm fine, how are you doing?"

"Fine," he sighed. "That's not why I came by."

"Could've fooled me," I teased.

"Very funny, Annika." He sighed, "I'm just not good at talking to you."

"Okay..." I could see many students who had gotten out of their seats to come to the door.

"I mean, I'm good at talking to you, sometimes." He rocked on his heels and he reminded me of a nervous high school boy. "Just not about this type of stuff."

"I can tell," I heard small, muffled giggles from inside my class.

"Okay, look, Annika, I'm a dick." He started and I laughed, where was this headed? "I've done shit I'm not proud of and I've pushed you away because of it. I care about you, Annika, and I know I haven't shown it like I should. But, if it was possible, I wanted to know if you'd like to go out on a date with me Friday night?"

"Say yes!" Some girl from my class shouted and I laughed, bring my lip.

"Well, I have to say yes now." He chuckled, "But I would've said yes anyway."


"You're a bitch!" Hannah came storming in, plopping on the couch next to me. "Since when did you and Rowland become a thing?"

"I don't..." She glared at me. "I don't know what we are yet, Hannah. And I know how you get so I wasn't gonna tell you until I knew what we were for sure."

"Well..." She gave an annoyed grunt. "I hate that it makes sense."

"I'm sorry," I hugged my friend and silence filled my living room. "He's a really good kisser." Hannah squealed and turned to face me. We both sat Indian style and she patted my hands excitedly.

"Really?" She smiled and I had to laugh.

"Yea," I breathed as if in a dream. "Maybe it runs in the family?"

"Don't," she warned and I chuckled. "Kaden and I are different."

"Not really," I shrugged. "You're both too damn stubborn to see what's clearly in front of you. He likes you, Han. And you like him."

"Annika," she sighed. "I'm leaving Brook Field."

"What?" I felt like someone had punched me in the gut.

"I got an interview in Nashville to talk to a producer." She smiled, but it wasn't a happy smile. "I wasn't sure if I wanted to go but..."

"But what?" I asked, taking her hands in mine.

"But I've never been out of Brook Field. I've lived my entire life here, waiting for life to come to me." She moved her hands to prove a point, not caring that we were still connected. "I want to go after life. I want to have an adventure and make new friends. I don't want fear to rule my life. I don't want to wait for Kaden to wake up."

"Hannah," I sighed, feeling my throat constrict. "Then you should go for it."

"Really?" She smiled through the tears.

"Yes," I laughed. "Go kick ass in the music business. Do something you love and have your own adventure." She pulled me into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you. You better call me everyday."

"Defiantly. I'm gonna miss you too, Anni." She pulled us apart and we both wiped tears from our eyes. "Okay, enough of that sad stuff." She stood, pulling me with her. "We only have a few days before your first date with Rowland. We have to go shopping."

"Okay," I smiled as she clapped happily. I hated shopping but I was losing my best friend again, so shopping it was.

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