Chapter 16: Rewind

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I woke to the smell of coffee and bacon. My stomach rumbled and I stretched into the cotton sheets that clearly weren't mine. I sat straight up in a panic but soon became calm as my surroundings hit me. I hadn't been in this room since I was in high school. The sheets still smelled the same and the dark brown sheets added what little color was needed to the white colored walls. I swung my feet over the bed, my head spinning for a moment before I tried to stand. I wobbled slightly, my legs feeling like jello as I tried making my way to the door. I walked down the hallway and down the stairs to the kitchen. Rowland stood in the kitchen, flipping a few pieces of bacon as some of the ranch hands began walking out of the house. "Where did my shoes go?" I croaked and I blushed as my raspy voice made its way to my ears.

"Morning to you too, sunshine." Rowland handed me a glass of water and an aspirin. "Sleep well?"

"Uh, yea, I guess." I sat on a stool next to the island and tucked my legs under me. "Remind me to never drink again." I groaned as I slumped my head to the wooden counter, the sun doing an impressive job at burning my eyes.

"I'll send out a memo to everyone." Rowland put a plate in front of me and I almost hurled. "No vomiting in the kitchen."

"I can't help it," I pushed the plate away and Rowland rolled his eyes.

"Eat, you'll feel better when you do." He commanded before he pulled his hair away from his face and walked to where his boots sat next to the front chair. "I got some work to do around here but I'll drive you home afterwards."

"That's not necessary," he finished lacing up his boots and stood.  Why was he being so weird? There was no smile or warmth like there usually was.

"Yea, well, my momma would kill me if I let you walk all the way back." He stated before putting on his stetson. "So, your outta luck there, Annika." He walked out of the house and I turned to look down at my plate full of food. It was at this point that I wished life was like a television show. I could have everything go wrong yet still go my way but the most important button of all would be the rewind button. And I definitely wanted one of those right about now.


It was far past noon when I walked outside, the sun blistering the dirt and ranch hands. "Good afternoon, Miss Annika." Red smiled as I walked over to him and a newer boy I hadn't met.

"Howdy, Red, I thought I told you to cut the Miss part?" I chuckled and he smiled at me like I would imagine a grandfather would look at a granddaughter.

"Yes, well, my momma didn't raise no fool." The newer boy cleared his throat and I had to hide the smile that threatened to come out. "Oh, right, this is Tom, he's helping out until the end of next spring."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Tom. I'm Annika," I shook his sweaty hand and I could tell that he was trying to seem taller than he was by puffing out his chest.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Tom seemed really excited and accidentally shook my hand for a long, awkward period of time. "Oh, sorry."

"It's fine," he retracted his hand. "Anyway, you know where Rowland is?"

"Yep, in the horse stable." Red nodded once and I thanked him. As I was walking away I couldn't help but overhear Red and Tom's conversation. "I'd get those eyeballs back in your skull, young man. That girl is already taken."

"Taken?" Tom sounded disappointed but with a hint of fight in it. "By who?"

"The man you signs your paychecks." I shook my head and sighed... If only that were true, Red, if only. I walked into the stables and pulled my hair off my neck.

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