Chapter 5: Water Fun

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I walked through the farmers market with my momma and took a bite of the cherry snow cone that reminded me of my childhood. It was almost July and my momma always helped the town with the annual 4th of July parade and carnival. "How do these look, Ika?" She asked as I hummed the tune that was playing through my headphones. "Annika Simone," my momma took out my headphones and I smile sheepishly at her.

"Sorry, momma," I smiled as I picked up the pile of fresh apples. "They look great."

"What am I gonna do with you?" She chuckled, "can you go look for some strawberries for me please?"

"Of course," I kissed her cheek then plugged my headphones back in. I'm Not The Only One by Sam Smith played and I couldn't help but sway my hips to the beat. The song closed me off from the world, all that mattered was the song and how it pounded through my veins. I hummed the tune as I put the strawberries in the basket, I suddenly felt someone behind me as their hot breath fanned the back of my neck. I swung my arm around to meet with Rowland's nose, "Row?!? Oh my... I'm so sorry." I unplugged my headphones and he straightened, holding his nose. "I didn't know it was you."

"It's my fault, I probably shouldn't have been that close." He chuckled and I smiled as he leaned against one of the fruit stands.

"Here, let me look at that." I set the basket next to him and looked at his nose. "I don't think it's broken but I'm not a doctor."

"Well, I'll just take your word for it." He smiled and I felt butterflies swell in my stomach.

"So, when did you get back?" I asked as I bit my lip.

"Yesterday, Kay said you were looking for me." He ran a hand through his hair and his muscles flexed making my skin grow hot.

"Oh, yea," I suddenly felt nervous. "I just wanted to see how you were with you know... With you're dad and everything."

"I'm fine, Annika." He tried but I saw the hurt and pain deep in his blue eyes.

"You're an awful liar," I sighed as I took a step away from him. I hated when they, especially Rowland, kept me at arms length and built up their walls.

"Only when it comes to you, little Annika." He grasped my wrist softly as if he didn't want me to go. I looked up from the floor and saw the same emptiness in his eyes. He needed me, could I really leave him now?

"Annika!" I heard my momma yell and Rowland sighed, releasing me. "Oh, Rowland, how are you?"

"I'm good, Mrs. Sharp." He smiled, the previous sadness gone from his eyes. "I'll see you around, Annika." He stood from where he was leaning and walked out of the farmers market.

"Hmmm," my mother started and I shook my head. "Care to share anything with the class, Miss Sharp?"

"Not particularly, momma." I smiled as I handed her the strawberries. "Can we just leave now?"

"Fine, I'll pay for these then we can leave." She sighed as we made our way to the line. "Besides I need to go to the craft store. Are you still gonna help with the parade float this year?"

"Of course," I smiled. "I promised, didn't I? A Sharp always keeps their promises."

"That's my girl," she smiled at me as she paid for the fruit we needed.


I wiped my forehead as the sun beat down on me and Hannah as we painted the parade float. I had taken off my brown and white plaid, long sleeved shirt and tied it around my hips that were in denim shorts. My hair was pulled into a messy up do, clips holding it off my neck. "I hate this!" Hannah flopped to the dirt, her blue tank top and black shorts were covered in paint and I probably looked the same.

"You are seriously like a little child." I chuckled as I flopped next to her, my arm flinging over my eyes to block out the sun.

"Shut up, if I wasn't so hot I'd argue with you." She grumbled and I chuckled, we were almost done with the painting. We only had the front to do then we could could go home. I had taken off my brown sandals and threw them at her black boots that were against the barn. "It was nice of Ms. Baker to let us use one of the barns."

"Yea," I sighed remembering the encounter with Rowland at the market. "I gotta tell you something."

"Spill," she ordered with an excited tone.

"I ran into Rowland at the farmers market earlier today." I was pulled into a sitting position and Hannah's eyes pierced into mine.

"And just like that I'm not so hot anymore." I chuckled at my eager friend as I fanned my face. Okay, we were both really hot and sweat dripped down in between my breasts. It was extremely uncomfortable.

"I'll tell you," I said and she grinned happily. "But first I think we deserve to go to the lake."

"Oh, hell yea." We stood and walked to the lake that was just on the outskirts of the Baker's property. I pulled my tank top over my head, fixing my pony tail afterwards, I hung it from a tree limb next to Hannah's. I hung my shirt then unbuttoned my jean shorts, letting them drop to the dirt. Not caring if they got picked up I dove into the deeper part of the small lake, the water wasn't too cold but it felt amazing against my hot skin. My head broke the surface and I swam to where Hannah had just resurfaced. "Okay, now spill."

"Nothing happened," I shrugged as we swam around. "I asked if he was okay, he lied, I pulled away, then he grasped my wrist and pulled me back to him."

"Awww," she grinned like a little school girl. "That is so damn cute!"

"You're crazy," I splashed her and she gasped at me.

"Oh, it's on." She splashed me in return and somehow we ended up having a splash fight like we did when we were kids.

"What are you doing?" A deep voice interrupted our laughter and Rowland leaned against a tree with a smirk on his lips.

"Oh, you know, just cooling off." I smiled at him as Kaden showed up and he gave a chuckle.

"You two are always getting into trouble." He shook his head at us and Hannah rolled her eyes at him.

"No, you're the one who gets us into trouble, Kaden." She informed him, swimming closer to splash him. Water splattered on his jeans and he looked down at us before laughing darkly.

"Shouldn't have done that, sugar." He smiled as he pulled his shirt off and his pants before he did a canon ball into the lake. When he surface he picked Hannah up by her legs and threw her across the lake. I let out a laugh as his eyes went to me, "don't think I forgot about you, Anni."

"But I didn't do anything." I shrieked as I swam away from him, hearing another splash I turned to see him preoccupied with Hannah, who had dunked him under the water. What was that splash? Suddenly, I was pulled under the water and then thrown just like Hannah had been. When I came back up Rowland was laughing his ass off. He did not just do that... He was to busy laughing to see the wicked smile that had spread across my face. I wiped it away quickly, turned my back to him and, knowing he couldn't stand it, I started to cry. It was fake obviously but I remember when I was little that anytime I cried he always came to my rescue- and now was no different.

"Annika, I'm..." Before he could finish I spun on him and dunked him under the water. I released him and swam away quickly, I spun around as he resurfaced. "You tricked me." I couldn't stop the giggles that bubbled out of me and I didn't notice until it was too late that he swam over and was deadly close. He wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me closer, there was no space between our bodies as he looked down at me. All the laughter died at my lips and a smirk curved on his kissable lips. "That wasn't very nice, little Annika." His minty breath fanned my lips and my breath hitched.

"All's fair in love and war, Baker." I retorted, proud my voice didn't sound as breathless as I felt.

"That is true, little Annika." He leaned forward and I thought he was gonna kiss me but he pulled away and went under the water. I felt shaky for a moment then I realized what he just did. That little ass hole!

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