Chapter 20: Now what...

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******* Annika

After the movie, Rowland bought me ice cream and dropped me off at home. He kissed me goodnight and said he'd call me. I hadn't expected to wake up when I did on this lazy Saturday morning but even as I continued to lay in bed I couldn't fall asleep. I just couldn't help but think what now? What was the next step? My phone beeped and I groaned, looking at it on my night stand.

Rowland: Hope you enjoyed yourself last night.

I bit my lip and replied, I did. Very much. Hope you did too. I wasn't sure what else to say because I was too busy being giddy as hell. Rowland Baker was always able to do that to me.

Rowland: Anytime I'm with you, little Annika, I have a good time. Can I buy you coffee this morning?

I nearly fell out of bed as I spasmed really hard. After catching my breath I typed, Sounds great! I climbed out of bed and walked to the bathroom before brushing my teeth.

Rowland: Great! Pick you up in 30?

I replied with a yes before taking a quick shower. After drying off, I put my hair in a messy bun and slipped on a pink Chiffon dress.  I decided against make up since it was early and put on a gold bracelet then slipped on my brown wedges. I did a twirl in the mirror and smiled before walking downstairs. I checked my phone and called my mom really quick to check in. There was a knock at the door and I tried to still my rapidly beating heart when I opened it. "You look gorgeous." Row smiled and kissed my cheek. His hair was down, he wore a blue shirt, ripped jeans, and his white Stetson. "Ready?"

"Yep," I grabbed my keys and phone, shutting the door behind me. Rowland opened my door for me and I slid into his truck. Once he climbed in he started it up and laced his fingers with mine, kissing the top of my hand.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked as we drove towards Norma's Cafe.

"Very well," I smiled as the sunny day just added to the perfect morning. "What about you? What time did you end up waking up?"

"I slept well," he gave a nod. "I woke up fairly early. Kaden didn't finish his choirs last night so I had to finish them this morning."

"Doesn't sound fun." I bit the inside of my cheek. "He probably just forgot."

"Or got distracted." Rowland chuckled, "He's been like that since Hannah announced she was leaving Brook Field."

"Yea," I sighed as we pulled into the small parking lot. "It's not gonna be the same here without her."

"I know what you mean." Rowland gave me a sympathetic smile and kissed my forehead. "Sorry to bring it up. Must be hard for you."

"It is," I shrugged. "But it's what's best for her. I did the same thing so can't be angry."

"Very logical," he chuckled before we got out of his truck. He grasped my hand with his, making me smile and heads to
Turn as we walked into Norma's. We sat at a booth next to the window and Norma's daughter, Lana, came over.

"Hello, Ms. Sharp," she smiled at me. She was a junior in one of my art classes, she was very talented and had an eye for color. "Mr. Baker," she practically swooned. Most juniors and seniors did at the school over the Baker brothers. "What can I get you two?"

"I'll have a black coffee," Rowland gave her his mega watt smiled and she nearly fainted.

"I'll have the same," I chuckled. "With a bagel to go please."

"Coming right up," she smiled and nearly tripped on her own two feet.

"Don't mess with the poor girl." I shook my head and Rowland laughed. "Half the school is in love with you and your brothers. Cut the girl some slack."

"Of course, Ms. Sharp." He winked and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Smart ass," he chuckled at me.

"Yea," he kissed the top of my hand again. "But you love it."

"You wish," I gave a sarcastic grin. Lana came back with our coffee and bagel before scurrying off. She looked really nervous and I felt slightly bad for the poor girl. After a few moments of silence, Rowland set his coffee down.

"I have two questions for you." He seemed to get serious and I got as nervous as Lana.

"Shoot, cowboy." I teased and that lightened the mood as he laughed.

"First," he drew circles on the back of my hand. "I wanted to know if you'd go to dinner with me tomorrow night?"

"I wish I could," I sighed. "But I have a lot of projects to grade." I felt sad and wanted to so badly forget my responsibility.

"Then how about I come over and cook for you while you grade papers?" He suggested, "You got done what you need to and I get to spend time with you."

"Okay," I smiled. "That sounds great." Rowland smiled and we stood, paying for our food. I had to go back to my house to get my car so I could head over to Hannah's to help her pack. Rowland got out and opened the truck door for me, walking me to my front door. He kissed me sweetly and I felt my insides melt. "Oh, wait, you said you had two questions. What was the second one?"

"Oh, yea," he seemed nervous and I found it funny. "I know this is sort of old fashioned but I wanted to know if you... wanted to be my girlfriend?"

"Be your girlfriend?" I smiled and pulled him into a kiss.

"I'm gonna just take that as a yes." He laughed and I smiled.

"It is a definite yes, Rowland Baker." He smiled down at me before kissing my cheek.

"Thank God," he gave me a hug and I couldn't help but feel safe with his arms around me. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

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