Chapter 8: Partying a Little too Much

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I looked myself in my full length mirror and smiled happily. I wore a black, short, low cut, tight dress with a gold belt and gold underneath the sheer top. My eyelids were a sparkly gold turning into a silver at the top. My lips were painted a slightly darker nude color and my hair fell down my back in loose curls, half being braided then hooked together in the back. I wore gold, diamond earrings, a gold bracelet, and an olive leaf, gold metal head band. My nails were painted gold and I hooked my gold, hand cuff necklace in place. I laced up my black wedge heels as Hannah walked out in her dark blue, skin tight dress. I stood and smoothed my hand down my dress, "I think we're gonna kill it tonight."

"I agree," I smiled as I put my phone, keys, money, and headphones into my black and gold clutch. "Ready?"

"One last touch," she smiled as she finished strapping on her silver high heels and grabbed the diamond necklace from the bag she had brought. She held her long hair up from spiraling down her back and I clasped the cold jewelry around her neck. "Now I'm ready." We walked down the stairs and we used Hannah's Cadillac instead of my truck. I left a note for mom that I would be home late and made a mental note to start looking for a new place to stay. As we pulled out of my driveway I turned up the radio, Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo blared out the semi-down windows and we sang it all the way out of town as we headed towards the city.


We had spent hours at club Sting and I had drank enough that my hips swayed to any beat, even if I didn't know that song. I was glad Hannah didn't drink as much because there was no way I was gonna be able to drive home. When two o'clock hit Hannah finally pulled the plug and we headed home where she drank the rest of my mom's booze. We sang songs by Miranda Lambert all the way to Rascal Flats and even if we were off key it didn't matter because I was having fun. "Oh! I have an idea." I grabbed my phone not thinning and giggled as the phone rang. Shut Up & Kiss Me by Orianthi blared throughout my house and had I been sober I would've thanked God that my mom was staying at my aunt's house tonight.

"Hello?" Rowland's voice was husky with sleep and I let out another giggle.

"You're an ass." I stated and Hannah doubled over, falling off my bed. "But you're a ridiculously hot ass and it's incredibly annoying so I'm ordering you to stop being hot." I hung up and giggled as I sat on my bed.

"I'm so glad you did that!" Hannah giggled then grabbed her phone. "Hey, Kaden, guess what? Kiss my ass!" She hung up and I almost fell out of my bed with laughter. If only we were sober...


I woke up with a splitting head ache and the sun burning my poor eyes. Hannah laid sprawled on the floor in a t-shirt with her underwear and I was only in a tank top and panties. I tried to sit up but my head spun and I groaned, running to the bathroom and puked up stomach acid. I washed my mouth out after flushing and I walked back into my room before grabbing my phone. I quietly walked downstairs to grab Advil and water while I scrolled through my phone. Twelve missed calls and four unread texts! I took the Advil and deleted the calls from my mom and Dawn. I'd call them back later, my brows scrunched together as I noticed I missed six calls from Rowland and one from Kaden. I deleted them, figuring it was nothing and went to look at my texts as I took a sip of water. I pulled up a text from Rowland and choked on my water.

Rowland: So, I'm a hot ass, uh?

Oh no! "Hannah Marie!" I screamed as I set my glass down and ran up my stairs.

"What?!?" She sat straight up. "Where's the fire?"

"No fire," I started to feel like I couldn't breath. "Do you remember what we did after we got home last night?"

"Uh," she bit her lip and shook her head. "No, why?" I showed her the text and her eyes went wide. She grabbed her phone immediately and groaned as she pulled up a text from Kaden. "Shit!" I looked at her phone and she grew pale.

Kaden: Just give me a time and a place and I'll gladly kiss your ass. ;)

"What the hell did we do?" I slumped next to my friend and she laid her head on my shoulder.

"I am never leaving your house." She shook her head and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"I think I'll stay with you." I felt like I was gonna cry or maybe punch a wall or both. "You told Kaden to kiss your ass?"

"It's not funny," she growled but soon she started to laugh with me. "It's better than calling Rowland a hot ass." We couldn't take it anymore and we lost it as we sat on the floor of my bedroom.

"I can't believe we did that." I smirked to myself as I ran my thumb over my screen.

"Me either," Hannah smiled. "Everything's gonna be so awkward now."

"Thanks for killing the mood, Han." I rolled my eyes and she sighed.

"What are we gonna do, Anni?" Hannah asks as she picked at her nails nervously.

"First, you're gonna stop doing that." She glared at me but stopped. "And second..." I tilted my head thinking. "We're gonna move on and let them make the next move. I'm still mad at Rowland, one drunk night isn't gonna change that. And Kaden still hasn't told you how he feels so until then we'll live our lives the way we were going to."

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